Petrol Prices

Just who is making all the money?

The price of petrol is on the constant rise, driven by supply and demand. China apparently is demanding more fuel to fuel its industry, this has the knock on effect of making it more expensive, so the reality is that fuel is sold to the highest bidder.

Sold by who? You know I wouldn’t mind so much if the extra money I’m pumping into my over large car was going to those 3rd world countries where they struggle to make a living. I suspect, however, that the money is lining the pockets of some very wealthy people.

Could you stand up please? We’d like to know.

Its greed, pure and simple. The increase in cost continues to be blamed on market forces. Its often said that the Northern hemisphere winter is pushing up the price, that China is buying up all the oil and so on and so on. We all know – its people. Surely if you’re selling a barrell of oil, you know how much it cost to produce. You take your fare cut, and sell it on. That’s a fair price. This isn’t. If it cost you $10 for barrel, you can double it, that’s fair, more than fair. This concept that you can keep uping the price is just plain stupid. Its the people who can’t afford it that suffer the most. The flow on effect goes through everything in our modern society. Fuel to dig stuff out of the ground, fuel to run the factories, fuel to move the goods around, fuel to power the shops, fuel to drive the goods home, fuel to cart the rubbish away. Without we’re stuffed.

So how about a fair price for fuel for all concerned. How about we just address the issue for what it is, a profit making scheme, and how about we clearly identify the recipients of this wealth and ask, very nicely of course, that they stop doing it.

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