Crazy Islamic Laws


I have a lot of trouble accepting that anyone should be jailed for 20 years for making a mistake in a book.  I’m a liberal sort of guy.  I’m happy for people to believe in what they believe in, (I reserve the right to point out the error of your ways), but this is clearly bullshit.  It sounds so, well, catholic, middle ages type catholic.

Then towards the bottom of the page is a bit about a journalist that downloaded some information off the net that criticises the koran and he’s now on death row.

What’s wrong?  Can’t you guys handle it when somone points out how wrong your religion is?

We need to say, clearly and strongly, that this is wrong.  We need to say that we will not deal or assist a country that treats its citizens like this.  We need to back away now.

This entry was posted in Rant.

7 Responses to Crazy Islamic Laws

  1. zineb says:

    Our religion is not wrong but we human are wrong! And it is good enough to know it! Learn more about ISlam before juging it!
    Thank you,
    A proud Muslim.

  2. Bruce says:

    Don’t be silly – your religion wants to kill someone because they criticise a book. No one deserves to die simply because they disagree with you.

  3. Alexis says:

    Zineb you are wrong , islamic religion is wrong and all of you muslims will be burn in hell for commiting such acts of violence , beheading, stoning innocent girls, shooting other people in the head, using kids as bait andfor bombarding, and all this in name of allah your god !!?!?! WTF ??? im sorry too tell you this but, cant you guys see the horror you guys do to this world ?????

    • Bruce says:

      Nobody is going to burn in hell, there’s no such place.

      Not all muslims behave in the same way – but it would be good if they’d stop pretending to do these acts of violence in the name of allah. The world would be a much better place if we’d just get rid of religion.

  4. tirzah says:


    You are 100% right. Religion is poisoning the world. I am tired of watching everyone fight over who’s fairy tale is right, lol. What a joke. These Islamic laws are ridiculous any law that is based on a religious world view is. I think we do know enough about Islam to know we certainly do not want it’s laws taking over our country and ruining all the progress we have made. Freedom of speech being one of them.

  5. Bettie ExMuslimConvert says:

    As an exMuslimconvert, I feel that I must add my voice to all the others which warn of the dangers of Islam/Muslims. There is no moderate Islam. The Islam of the terrorists IS Islam, real and raw. The Muslims are getting noisier and bolder, talking about Islam taking over the world. Text in”Islam will dominate the world” and see what pops up and how many Muslims agree with this idea of world domination. Islam is like The Borg on ” Star Trek”: Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. Anyone who doesn’t like this should be prepared to fight.

  6. Muslim is retarded says:

    God damn.

    How retarded the Koran or Coran is. Even it says do a Jihad which is fighting to others. What the heck is that religion.

    Dont be silly you retarded muslims. You guys think you are the best in the world only because you have the oil, however, the age of oil will get finished in few decades. By the time reaches, you guys will get also finished totally.