War, War is stupid

The new and wonderful ways we can kill each other.

Modern warfare makes it to easy to kill the enemy.  Human compassion is lost as death bringing devices are launched from far away places and the result of those devices is not seen directly by those doing the killing and not by those who order the killing.

The human cost is summed up in lovely couched terms and a positive spin put on it.

Imagine wars fought as one to one combat.  Where you have to actually stand within arms length of your enemy to kill them.  That doesn’t happen anymore, well, almost.

This new method of death must surely make us care less about our fellow man as we don’t have to watch them die.  We can simply be removed and aloof from the process.

Do you think that if we thought about it, if we actually saw how people died when a bomb was dropped on them, that we might actually change the way we fight?  Maybe all our worldly problems would dissolve away if we gave some thought to that.  The enemy is not some nameless person.  They have families, parents to grieve for them, partners, children and friends left behind.  Every death leaves behind a lot of anguish and grief.  Its time to stop the senseless fighting and find another way to settle the things that are wrong.  Its way to easy to bring death and destruction upon each other, I don’t like it, so I’d be fairly certain the other side (which ever enemy that is) doesn’t like it either.

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