Noisy ACL Gloat


Last night’s announcement on overturning surrogacy for same-sex couples and singles in Queensland is because of a grassroots movement of people fed up with a minority agenda driving social policy in Australia.

Oh Wally, going straight for the gloat.  Nothing grassroots about it, there has been no mass protest, this came completely out of the blue.  The LNP knew that advance notice would lead to a mass grassroots outcry.

Australian Christian Lobby Managing Director Jim Wallace said people were tired of this agenda putting the rights of adults ahead of the rights of children, truth and biology.

What a crock of shit. In Wally’s eyes anyone who can’t have children by putting one thing inside another and thrusting isn’t entitled to have a child.  He seems to forget the many millions of children that are conceived by the thrusting thing and then abandoned or abused by their parents.  At least when a gay couple has decided they would like children it’s because they actually want them.

“What we saw in the Queensland Parliament last night was the response to a groundswell of concern for marriage and putting the rights of children first in public policy,” Mr Wallace said.

No you didn’t, what you saw was a government whose first concern wasn’t to clean up the mess that they perceive is left from the previous government, but to target a minority group and treat them like shit and like second class citizens.

“While most people are tolerant and supportive of removing discrimination from same-sex couples, something already achieved at State and Commonwealth level, the selfish agenda of some activists has been given too much prominence in public policy.

While most people are tolerant?  Most people would not include the likes of you Wally.  Selfish activists?  What are you?  You want all rights for people wiped away just so you can have your own ‘christian values’ forced on the rest of us, and yet we have a selfish agenda?   You actually believe that the only way to be an Australian is your way.  Fuck that for a joke.

“Ordinary people are repulsed by the sort of behaviour witnessed in the Queensland Parliament’s public gallery last night where MPs were abused, demonised and called bigots because they supported marriage remaining between a man and a woman – a daily ordeal for those advocating for marriage in the public arena.

Ordinary people?  Are you seriously suggesting that those who don’t agree with the decisions made by the Queensland Parliament are not ‘ordinary’? That they should just shut the fuck up because what parliament says goes?  This didn’t stop your christian friends from shutting the fuck up when the laws where passed by the previous government.  You think revoking the rights of a section of the community because some of them might like to enjoy the notion of celebrating their partnership is wrong?  All because it ‘mimics marriage’.  The motivation for the renaming and watering down of the ‘marriage like’ civil partnerships is nothing short of discrimination and vilification of gay people.  It’s a repulsive and petty agenda from a small faction of christians.

“Millions of Australians, including Prime Minister Julia Gillard, do not support redefining marriage and they are distressed at being labelled bigots and haters because of their view,” Mr Wallace said.

Millions of Australians do support the redefining of marriage, and we are distressed at being labelled faggots and evil because of our view.

“The strength of resolve within the LNP last night is evidence that the democratic process, which has delivered many first time MPs into the Queensland Parliament, is representative of community values on marriage and the best interests of children.”

No it’s not.  The LNP party did not sweep into power because the gays could get married or have babies.  They swept into power because a long-standing Labor government was on the nose for a thousand other reasons.

The LNP’s rank and file, one of the largest of any political party in the nation, has overwhelmingly passed policy motions in support of marriage and against allowing surrogacy arrangements for singles and same-sex couples.

“It would be great if there was more media attention on what was happening in majority grassroots politics than on minority activists,” Mr Wallace said.

Minority activists?  Remind us again Wally, just who does the ACL represent?  Oh, that’s right, rich white folk.  Hardly majority grassroots.

In November 2009, ACL led a large grassroots campaign against the then Bligh Government’s surrogacy laws which saw a massive public response and 2034 actual Queenslanders signing a petition in the days before the vote.

Wait – there are 2034 actual Queenslanders who can sign petitions?  Who would have thought! That’s such a massive response I can see why you’re all boned up Wally!  I’d bet you that a massive public response is more likely to be “We don’t give a fuck, why don’t you find my child a job?”

Mr Wallace said former Deputy Premier Andrew Fraser, who champioed the activists’ agenda in the dying days of the government, was unable to save his city seat despite the clear intent of Bligh’s rush of pro same sex legislation to deliver it.

Are you really suggesting that Fraser lost his seat because of the civil partnership laws?  That and that alone saw him swept from office.  I call bullshit on your bullshit you bullshitter.

“I hope MPs in Canberra will discern between noisy activists and the wishes of grassroots Australians as they consider the up-coming debate on same-sex marriage.”

You, Wally, and your rich white folk backers are the noisy activists, wanting to shove your minority view onto the rest of the population.   You dare to threaten the Australian Government with your little snide attempt to say that if they don’t listen to you you’ll make sure they’re run out of office.  To the credit of the previous Queensland Labor Government they didn’t listen to you.  We can only hope that those in Canberra see your position for what it is.  Vile poison.


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