Atheist Convention – Bruce Llama That's one crazy Llama Mon, 04 Jan 2016 02:22:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Spinksy hopes God has a good excuse Fri, 13 Apr 2012 02:25:20 +0000 [SOURCE]

Just when you thought that married life for Spinksy would settle him down, you know now he can get laid while Jesus watches, along he comes with another wild blog to tell those Atheists just how fucked they’re gonna be!

The Atheist Convention of 2011 was such a rousing success that they are doing it again in Melbourne. This means that there will be another round of advertisments. Chiefly among those is the advertisement on the side of a bus, which this year will be saying “If God exists, I hope He has a good excuse”:

The last Global Atheist Convention, and the first one too, was in 2010 and it too was in Melbourne.  As part of the lead up the lead up to the 2012 event, the Australian Atheist Foundation has done some advertising on buses.

Thankfully David Nicholls, president of the Atheist Foundation of Australia, has elaborated “Woody Allen’s words encapsulate the thoughts of the freethinking community and the sneaking suspicions of a growing number of religious people as well. Considering the immensity of the unnecessary death, pain and suffering on the planet, an alleged all-powerful and all-loving god certainly has a lot to answer for.”

Essentially God needs an excuse for the “immensity of the unnecessary death, pain and suffering on the planet”.

I think the point is that atheist don’t accept that there is a god.  Hence the word ‘alleged’ in the quote.

It is important to note that death, pain and suffering were created because of our evil decisions.

So now it’s out fault that your perfect god created people who could do great evil.  Not your god who is to blame for allowing it to happen in the first place.  Now you have to make excuses for god.

It is a dangerous game to attribute God with the consequences of man’s sinful decisions. Let us hope these atheists realise their folly.

Oh yeah Spinksy, we understand.  You are so shit frightened of dying and going to hell that you’ll do all you can to make it look like you’re going to heaven.  Got news for you dear, you’re going to die and that’s it.  The folly is that you’ve wasted your life chasing invisible ugly pixies.  This isn’t a dangerous game.

#atheistcon 9 – Taslima Nasrin Sun, 14 Mar 2010 11:51:42 +0000 What a remarkable story.

Taslima Nasrin was questioning the koran and her faith from an early age.  When growing up and asking a lot of questions about allah, her mother told her that if she said any more bad things about allah her tongue would fall off.  Taslima said she then locked herself in the bathroom, looked in the mirror and said “Allah is a son of a bitch, allah is the son of a dog, allah is the son of a pig”.  A nervous wait, but her tongue did not fall off.

She continued to struggle with the religion.  Finally realising that she was an atheist.  She was thrown out of her home country, Bangladesh, has received numerous death threats and is homeless.

During her talk, there were security guards around the stage.  I saw them step in front of people as they walked towards the stage.  It brought home just how serious the threats are.

Her story was moving and amazing.  She continues to challenge and talk about the oppression  of muslim women.  Taslima finished her tale by saying she has no home, she is homeless.  It is clear that Taslima wants to go home, back to her native lands.   Her home now is the love she gets from other women, free thinkers and secularists.

I was moved to tears and the auditorium errupted into a huge round of applause and a standing ovation.   I came away from it knowing that islam has some major flaws in its sacred text.  No matter how much they try to say otherwise, it was devised by a man who was only concerned with is personal sexual satisfaction and guarded his many wives with much jealousy.

It needs to be stopped.

#atheistcon 8 – Phillip Adams Sun, 14 Mar 2010 10:33:22 +0000 Phillip Adams starts our first full day off.  The conference room is crowded,  it’s good to see so many non-believers in one space!

Phillip talked about how the Rise of Atheism is not having an impact on the numbers of faithful, he suggested that we are not killing them, they are committing suicide.

He went on to suggest that we need to work with some of the christians, that despite their irrational thoughts, they did in fact have ethical standards.   He suggested that as we have no beliefs in any god, Atheist would make ideal mediators at the table of religious conflict.  Can you imagine an Atheist sitting around a table with the Palestinians and the Israelis?  Perhaps he has a point, we don’t come with baggage from either side, we think both sides are full of shit.

Might be worth a try.

Phillip was inspirational and witty.  I enjoyed his talk.

#atheistcon 7 – Saturday Sat, 13 Mar 2010 21:29:07 +0000 What a brilliant day Saturday was!  From Philip Adams to PZ Myers.

For some really strange reason I thought I’d have some time to blog during the day and jot down my thoughts.  Alas, the sessions rolled on and the breaks meant standing in line waiting for coffee!  I’ll get back to the blogging later, I’d like to jot down some notes at least to remind me.

The highlight for me yesterday was Taslima Nasrin.  She’s from Bangladesh.  Taslima recounted her moving to atheism in the muslim country, but more importantly she spoke about the oppression of women.  She told us about the insanity of the way islam treats women, and her story is horrible. Expelled from her country, she considers herself homeless.  I felt her pain and was deeply moved by the story to the point of tears.  Here was a women that lives through persecution because of her sex and because of her non-belief.

More later.

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#atheistcon 6 Day end Fri, 12 Mar 2010 15:47:06 +0000 I’ve gotta say, I’m glad I’m here.  At the Global Atheist Convention.  It’s so good to be in an environment where I know people share the same unbelief that I do.  It’s really great to hear words of condemnation for homophobia.  These are rare moments that give me a glimmer of hope that the Rise of Atheism may really have an impact and perhaps a change in the way the world runs.  It’s going to take a long time, but just maybe what’s going on in Melbourne will lead to a better world where the influence of religion is relegated to the same level as the influence of the local rotary clubs.

There was a lot of kick the catholics tonight, which is always a good thing, but it would be nice to get some positive discussion on atheism without the need to refer to religion at all.  How is that done?

And I’d like to know how atheist feel about homosexuality.  It’s really good to sit there and listen to the words of support, but if there are atheist that still have some reservations about homosexuality, I’d be keen to know what they are, and how they justify them.  Are you one?  Let me know!

So now, getting ready for day 2.  I have to comb my flocculent locks.

#atheistcon 5 Catherine Deveny Fri, 12 Mar 2010 15:33:16 +0000 And then how to follow an outspoken lesbian, followed by a quiet spoken man?  Catherine Deveny of course.

I like her.

She really does make me laugh!  Took us on the journey of her reversion to atheism.  It was a wonderful discussion between her and “Atheist Man” until it finally dawned on her while explaining to her children about jesus that it was a crock of shit.  She also really really doesn’t like Tony Abbott or Cardinal Hell.  I liked her anagram of Cardinal George Pell… “pierced anal egg roll”. And then her comments about “vagjazzling for vajesus”.

She finished by telling us about being banned to do a show in Mildura, it seems that the basketball stadium where she was to perform is owned by the catholics, and they didn’t think the show was keeping within their ‘standards’.  What a bunch of arseholes.  They have god on their side, apparently he’s easily insulted!

It was a great way to end the evening!  She’s very crazy.

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#atheistcon 4 Mark Teir Fri, 12 Mar 2010 15:19:06 +0000 How to follow a rabid lesbian.  Bring on Mark Teir.  Quietly spoken, but with a story to tell.  The poor guy was no where near the charismatic Sue-Ann Post in sheer energy.  His tale of the catholic church and culture in the Philippines was interesting and at times funny.

He’s 10 reasons why beer is better than religion was funny!

10. No one will kill you for not drinking Beer.

9. Beer doesn’t tell you how to have sex.

8. Beer has never caused a major war.

7. They don’t force Beer on minors who can’t think for themselves.

6. When you have a Beer, you don’t knock on people’s doors trying to give it away.

5. Nobody’s ever been burned at the stake, hanged, or tortured over his brand of Beer.

4. You don’t have to wait 2000+ years for a second Beer.

3. There are laws saying Beer labels can’t lie to you.

2. You can prove you have a Beer.

1. If you’ve devoted your life to Beer, there are groups to help you stop.

#atheistcon 3 Sue-Ann Post Fri, 12 Mar 2010 12:17:00 +0000 Oh how I laughed. Put a ex-mormon, lesbian and diabetic in one body, stick her on the stage in front of a bunch of atheists and the good times roll. Sue-Ann Post keep us very entertain as she told tales of growing up mormon.  Who knew that the mormons thought god lived on a planet far far away, or that if you try hard enough you too could be a god of your own creation on a planet far far away, it’s enough to get me hard.  I’m going to become a mormon so I too can baptise dead people.  Sue-Ann even told us that drinking beer on stage keeps her blood-sugar level in check, and is a tax deduction.

#atheistcon 2 Fri, 12 Mar 2010 08:04:00 +0000 The conference is up and running with our opening address. Plenty of people here, there’s lots of chatter.
As the lights dimmed the screens lit up with a view of the known universe, starting way out and zooming in to Earth, right down to the Melbourne Convention Centre. ’twas very clever.
First up we heard from David Nicholls, he’s chief big wig of the Atheist Foundation of Australia. He gave us a bit run down on how the whole thing came about, told us how the Parliament of world religions managed to get tax payer funds of $4 million dollars and this convention zilch. He then introduced us to the MC’s for the weekend. Stuart Bechman, he’s the President of Atheist Alliance International (and an American’ but we won’t hold that against him) and Kylie Sturgess from the Skeptical Zone. They attempted to do a bit of a comedy act that fell a bit flat. There was some interesting stuff in there. I did like the notion that the biggest storm in Melbourne happened last weekend, if there was a god, maybe he is smiling on us. Kylie suggested that if there was a god, this would be a good weekend to get 2,500 converts.
We settled in for the next act.

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#atheistcon 1 Fri, 12 Mar 2010 06:02:00 +0000 Here I am, looking at a naked Chloe in Young and Jackson in Melbourne. There’s a bunch of groupies standing around PZ Myers and plenty of godless discussion.
The world is fun
