gay rights – Bruce Llama That's one crazy Llama Mon, 04 Jan 2016 02:22:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 France is at War with the militants homosexualists! Fri, 28 Jun 2013 05:36:33 +0000 [SOURCE]


Oh goodness me!  France has allowed teh gays to get teh marriage.  You know what that means?  Let’s ask Grandpa Uncle Billy:

If you want to know what the end of freedom looks like, simply look at France. With the ruling elites aligning themselves with the radical homosexualist agenda, they have declared war on their own citizens. Things are very dark right now in France, all because the militants have gotten in bed with the powers that be.

It sounds really really bad.  Millions being thrown into prison, not a safe place to go at all!  All those people being deprived of their freedom!  There’s a war going on, the government is locking them all up!

“There is now a first victim to deplore. His name is Nicolas, a 23 year old student from Angers, who was arrested while peacefully protesting against the absurd re-definition of marriage and family by his country’s government. He has now been sentenced to one month of imprisonment for ‘rebellion’.”

“Rebellion.” Did you get that? All dictatorships of course hate any form of resistance and disagreement to the state. He continues, “This judgment apparently is intended as a clear message to all citizens that still dare to oppose the new gay-fascism: we are not going to listen to you, nor engage in any rational argument about the meaning of marriage and the family, but we will simply put you in jail. Dissident opinions will be silenced at all costs.

Wait on a minute… first victim?  I can see why Grandpa Uncle see this is a dark period.  Of all the protests a person is locked up!  There’s so much to worry about.  There must be millions more waiting…. so, let’s just test how this peaceful protester, Nicolas Bernard-Buss ended up doing two months for rebellion.

Firstly, the word rebellion and the offence translated from this website:

Is an act of rebellion the violent resistance to a person holding public authority or discharging a public service mission acting in the exercise of its functions, to law enforcement, the orders of the public authority, decisions or judicial warrants.

So, for his peaceful protest he was charged with violent resistance.   He probably threw a few punches.

What else about our new peaceful protester against the militant gay lobby?

It seems this (translated from French):

The militant anti-gay marriage movement founder part of “watchers” was sentenced Wednesday, June 19 by the 16 th of Paris criminal court to four months in prison, two suspended for rebellion and provision of an imaginary identity, and a fine of 1,000 euros for denial of his DNA and fingerprints.

So the peaceful protester was violent, gave a false identity and refused to provide his DNA and fingerprints and he’s described as militant.  A militant peaceful protest I guess Grandpa?

Billy Billy Billy.

Young Nicolas is now in prison for standing up for what is right. You may well be next.

Well no, he’s been locked up because he gave a false name, refused to provide his fingerprints and something about violence.      Millions of cases are no doubt waiting to be tried and the French government are busy building new prisons to house all those charged with ‘peaceful’ rebellion and France with be a homosexual paradise.

But I guess the truth doesn’t work too well for you does it Billy.


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No Gays in our Retirement Village! Thu, 27 Jun 2013 07:23:42 +0000 [SOURCE]

angry-jesusYou’ll be forgiven if you didn’t catch up with the news during the week that a new bill made its way through the Australian Parliament and is set to become law.

It’s the “Sex Discrimination Amendment (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Status) Bill 2013”.  It is quite historic as it covers gay, lesbian, transgender and intersex discrimination.  That’s really very powerful.

The new law has a raft of exemptions, most notably and with no surprise, for religious bodies to discriminate against the gays.  With one exception.  Religious bodies who run aged-care facilities may not discriminate against the homosexuals.

This has the ACL spitting grey furballs against the bingo board in their aged-care facilities across the nation.

Oh, they don’t actually run any.  That’s right, they only lobby for silly things.

“it removes religious exemptions for Commonwealth aged-care providers to preference a married couple over an unmarried couple or a heterosexual over a homosexual resident.

Some aged care facilities run by faith organisations treasure their ethos and want to be free to preserve this.”

Yes, that’s right, a couple who have lived together for 40 years and aren’t married should be locked out to keep your quaint ethos.  No doubt that old couple of lesbians will go on a rampage making all the old girls quiver in places that long ago stopped quivering.  Heaven forbid that the gay guys might actually manage to get some of the old husbands up again.  And lordy me, how will we deal with the 80 year olds that have just shacked up together?

However, the ACL questions why this legislation was pursued when no examples of actual discrimination have actually been put forward. ACL understands it’s the practice of many faith-based aged-care providers to help and look after elderly people regardless of their sexuality

Excellent, there are no actual examples, so there is no problem in enshrining it in law. Even better that ‘many’ homes are already looking after the elderly gay people, I rather suspect though, that is those outside the ‘many’ that need to be inclusive.

 It was nothing but a stalking horse to pursue this legislation and instead sets up a precedent for other religious exemptions to be challenged in the future.

Oh, that’s it, you’re worried that when the world doesn’t actually collapse from this huge infringement on your rights to be a bigot that the government might remove other exemptions!

If Commonwealth-funded faith-based aged care providers lose the right to positively select clients in accordance with the principles of their faith, will other faith-based organisations similarly lose their religious freedom? Will Christian schools, for example, continue to be able to hire staff who adhere to the values of the organisation?

What does positively select clients mean? This is a silly statement.  Nobody is telling old folks home that they can’t continue to select religious people for their homes, they’re saying more to the point that you can’t exclude someone just because you don’t like their martial status or their sexual orientation or gender identity.  And same thing for your religious schools, of course they can continue to hire nutters from the same faith.  The day is coming when those institutions won’t be allowed to discriminate against anyone.  Bring it on.

Mr ACL – your religious freedoms are not impinged by employing those who are different to your faith.  Unless you’re suggesting that in fact that notion that you hate the sin and not the sinner is actually incorrect.


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Mark Rabich on stupid evil agendas Sat, 22 Jun 2013 05:12:19 +0000 [SOURCE]

You probably can’t see the source, but I just had to share it with you.

Screenshot from 2013-06-22 14:39:45



Is this really a surprise? But supporters of SSM don’t want debate, they are ‘right’, after all. Being convinced of their own moral righteousness and intellectual superiority, they cannot be told that their thinking is backward and veiled in total darkness. The only tactic they have to play is to denigrate and bully those who oppose their stupid and evil agenda, and shut down debate. If only everyone in our parliament had the courage to stand up like Bernardi.

Bernardi’s contention is that gay marriage will lead to polygamy.  Which seems a bit odd really as polygamy is really a straight mans want.  One man, many women.  I would have thought that it was marriage that leads to polygamy, the gays have nothing to do with it.

It any case, poor Rabbys outrage is so laughable.  The poor luv.  It must be horrible thinking that you are the one with the moral righteousness and intellectual superiority.  It must be a special place for him to think that others are in total darkness and backward and then to talk about those stupid and evil people with their agenda’s that are trying to denigrate and bully him to shut the debate down.

It’s not the first time Mark Rabich has been laughed at by me.  He has a fixation with the size of the walls of the vagina.

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Nenad Nele Arcaba Hates the Gays on Facebook Tue, 26 Feb 2013 11:32:14 +0000 [SOURCE]

What do you say to a guy on Facebook who says this…

rainbowcrossingAustralia, Sydney City, NSW….

Should Oxfords’s St’s new rainbow corssing be permanent, read more about it or watch a faboulous timelapse video of the crossing being painted last night from the City of Sydney….. BY GAY MARRIAGE RIGHTS IN AUST.

Dear wogs, and some of Australia own people, family, friends, people who noe me, brothers and sisters, normal straight people out there – as i was reading this and what is happening in our surrounding cities i can officialy and unfortunately say : Tht i feel very sad, angry and unfortunately dissapointed in this country, its rights, the look from a normal persons point of view and sorry for this people. I bet you guys wouldnt dare to do that in Russia or bettter yet Europe – BALKANS – SERBIA.. Where even the church is against this unnormal, sick, disease spreading lunatics. I feel discusted.! Could any of the ople i have on facebook , friends or not tht r gay please delete me now… before i start going on a gay hunting spree to massacre u lunatics like the naciz did to the Jews in ww2.! Gays, Lezboz, Rapists, pedofiles, cunts tht abuse children or woman etc…. if i had a present to give you it would b by doing u a faovur and in the worst way takind ur life away. Sick ( vomits ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

…apart from showing him how to spell check?  Best you could do is give him a bucket to vomit in.  Others thought it was a good idea to give him some education.

It’s good to see this type of homophobic rant being met head on by others.   Just look at some of the responses:

Being gay isn’t a disease lol

I dont get why it matters so much to you, they’re living their life and you’re living yours, everybody’s happy.

Nennad but were not in Europe were in a free democratic country. I pray you get some humanity soon. xxx

Just wondering, if australia was to ban gays, where does it stop? What’s to stop the govt from saying “I dont like the way that asian guy looked at me, all asians are to be deported out of the country or face death”. Hatred begets more hatred, once it starts there is no stopping it.

Making comments like that (the guy above) is just inappropriate and completely unnecessary. I don’t even know how u can call yourself a christian and make such stupid statements

You posted hate about a group of people. You said gays are pedophiles which shows you are largely uneducated, misguided and mislead in any actual truths and facts about homosexuality. Homosexuality is not a choice, not a disease, and there is nothing wrong with homosexuality. If you care so much and are disgusted (or discusted as you posted) then you are the one that has the disease, the problem, intolerance and are contributing to the hatred in the world. Gays, lesbians, bisexuals etc are normal people like straight people who happen to like the same sex and/or both sexes if bisexual. Its not hard to become educated and informed on that. Homophobia is the only disease and unfortunately refusing to see nothing is wrong with gay and lesbians makes you the ass hole. I spit on your entire existance.

It wasn’t long before he took down the post, or perhaps enough reports were made to Facebook and they took it down.  I’ve since heard reports that the Federal Police have been informed.  And rightly so.  As if it wasn’t bad enough to vilify a whole gaggle of gays, but then to threaten to go on a ‘gay hunting spree to massacre’ is really quite revolting and a serious threat from a young man who may well be capable of carrying out such threats.

For those who ask why do we need marriage equality in Australia.  Here is why.  Because some of those born in 1991 still think that there is something not normal about sections of our community.

Congratulations to all who had a chance to deliver this guy some feedback.

Here’s the page before it was removed: 20130226 Facebook hate


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Spink Thinks Satan Plays Football Wed, 02 Jan 2013 01:12:29 +0000 [SOURCE]

Cameron Spink, born again christian, sole author of the Resistance Thinking website and a married man who protests way to much about gay people has been at it again, blogging about stuff that he really should keep quiet about least people seriously question his own sexuality.

The AFL has always attempted to be the more progressive of the football codes. It is like the hipster who tries so hard to be popular. So in a new attempt to show how progressive and inclusive they are on a social issue a “gay pride game” is being suggested. Sydney v Hawthorn (the two grand finalist’s from this year) is being touted as a “gay pride game”

This is a good thing.  It’ll help some young people come to terms with their sexuality and might even help some people understand that sexuality is diverse and be should be treated with respect.

One might be forgiven in thinking that the AFL is overcompensating for the fact that not one single player has ever “come out of the closet” and admitted to being a homosexual. Being that there are over six-hundred players in the AFL it is entirely possible that a few players are homosexual. Yet not one has put up their hand and outed themselves. If the AFL is so inclusive surely there should be somebody who’d be willing to tell the truth. After all, the other football codes have had players revealed to be homosexual of their own volition, why not the AFL?

That’s a good question.  Of course there are players who are gay.  Why don’t they declare this publicly?  Could it possibly be that the environment is not conducive to being gay.  It’d be great if the AFL made attempts to discuss that issue, much like they do with other forms of vilification.  The fact that not a single AFL player has declared their sexuality shows that the AFL needs to do more work.

It may be that there still is some animosity against homosexual players in the AFL. So despite the organizations attempts against “homophobia” they are failing to make an impact. Of course my hope is not that they succeed in such a venture but that they reassess their ignorant encouragement of something that they obviously have very little knowledge about.

Ignorant encouragement? Little knowledge about?  This coming from a christian who bases his life on a book written over 2,000 years ago about imaginary figures.  Spinksy thinks that it’s ok to hate gay people because that book says so.

Indeed, it is disturbing how the AFL is getting involved in a social issue (even more disturbing that they have got this issue so blatantly wrong) of which they have no right to have an opinion about. Furthermore they are propagating a destitute lifestyle through aggressive tolerance.

The AFL is in a strong position to be involved in social issues.  They have the opportunity to be great role models to young people.  To show acceptance and inclusion for people from all walks of life.  Of course they should have an opinion.

I’m pleased to report that my lifestyle is not destitute, far from it.  Aggressive tolerance?  Whatever that means.  What is important is that I’m able to move around the community, participate and enjoy life without fear.  There is nothing wrong with having sex with someone of the same-sex.  There really isn’t.  To say that it’s a destitute lifestyle is a clear indication of internalised homophobia that Spinksy should be seriously looking at with the assistance of some professionals.

There are a group of advocates behind these changes in the AFL (beyond Demetriou and his staff). One such person is Jason Ball, a player in the Yarra Glen Football Club, who has been campaigning for change. No surprises why he is one of the instigators of change. Ball is a homosexual who believes players at AFL level need more support if they are going to announce their same-sex attraction.

Ball has done a fantastic job by role modelling his own experience in coming out.  You know what?  His team mates at the Yarra Glen Football Club didn’t care, they did change the way they use vilifying terms about gay people as suddenly they had a bit of empathy.  They understood the impact of their words.

Apparently it is not enough that the AFL is openly hostile against anybody who questions their inclusive policies. I remember when doing a coaching course a couple of years ago there were sections outlined in the brochure that specified that coaches must remain impartial and make no comment regarding the sexuality of any player.

The AFL is not openly hostile at all.  They are insistent that players, coaches and administrators follow their policies, but they don’t simply toss out those that question.  They encourage them to change.  Not hostile at all.  It also makes sense to remain impartial.  It’s about playing football, and people should respect each other for their ability to play the game, not use race, sexuality or religion as a form of abuse.

It must be said that there are issues at club level regarding derogatory terms. The use of the word “gay” is abused. Yet since the “gay rights” movement has contorted and abused it already I feel no sympathy towards those who argue for the “homophobic” comments like “that’s so gay” to stop at club level. If they are offended by hearing these comments then I am offended by their very offence.

Spinksy has no issue with verbal abuse levelled at gay people.  A complete lack of empathy on his part.  In fact, he says that he’s offended because people object to vilification based on sexual orientation.  How very christian of him.

Yet for some this is not enough, they seek to for the full acceptance which would be established by AFL players being open about their sexuality. Much like the same-sex marriage debate it is not equality that is at stake for these people but acceptance.

Yes, acceptance.  The ability to take your same-sex partner to the Brownlow medal thingy, acceptance to hug and kiss your same-sex partner in public, and then acceptance for the supporters to bring their partners to games to enjoy each other by doing what couples do.  Kiss, hug and share the love.

I am convinced that a complete acceptance will be forthcoming in the AFL very soon. They went astray so long ago that their progressive-leaning has become obvious to all. If we are to look at Paul’s condemnatory comments in Romans 1 one can’t help but feel that the AFL are breeding supporters and administrators who are “approving”. We must not be complicit in the encouragement of sin.

Does this mean that Spinksy will be giving up football?  He’s a big footy fan you know. On his personal blog he posts lots of  football stuff.


We must pray without ceasing that God will shine through the lies of Satan and touch those enslaved by sin, as we once were.

Melbourne80sThat’s it.  Pray.  Pray the gays away.  It makes him feel better to pray and not do something practical  like take his support away.  Remove all AFL blogs, start a Facebook page to force the AFL to stop what they’re doing.  Why doesn’t he? Because he doesn’t want to give up football.

There are people within the AFL fraternity who believe that it is an imperative to quash all “homophobia” and “bigotry”.

It’s not limited to the AFL, people the world over want to stop homophobia and bigotry.  Spink shows exactly the sort of hatred that needs to stop.  He is suggesting that gay people are ‘enslaved by sin’ and that satan is responsible for that.  He is actually suggesting that satan is behind this push at the AFL to address homophobia in sport.  What’s his answer?  Pray.

The signs point to a more aggressive push to normalise homosexuality. We must speak clearly that we were designed as heterosexuals and this is a very powerful thing. Let none diminish its significance.

I’m not designed as a heterosexual.  I’m not designed as a homosexual either.  My sexuality is but a small part of me.  There is nothing wrong with encouraging people to be more accepting of others.  Sexuality has a big range of ‘normal’. What isn’t normal is pretending that somebody (or something) designed you.

I don’t care whether Spinksy thinks he’s designed.  He believe what he likes.  I do object to christians like him that pretend that they have all the answers, but more specifically I object to their attempts to force their beliefs on the rest of the world.  A world which simply doesn’t agree with their mindset.  Spink and his ilk attempt to control others by forcing their world view on us.  They do this by pretending that they alone have the truth.  No amount of common sense approach will work with them.  The radical fundamentalists think that being gay is the work of satan.  How bad is that?  From this work of satan, they then extend that to block any attempt to treat GLBTQI people as evil that must be saved.  When you tell them every so politely to fuck off they get offended and claim that their right to practice their religion is being infringed.

I don’t care who Spink has sex with, nor do I want to change that.  I don’t want him to marry a man.  I don’t care that he might have some internal dilemma about his god and his sexuality. What I do care about is the impact homophobia and bigotry has on me, my love llama, my friends, Jason Ball and every man at the AFL that may not be freely able to fully be part of the team. As role models, the AFL players can have an impact on young people, and if through their actions a Pride Match helps, then even the likes of me that hates football will get behind it.

Communicating with Spink is difficult.  He doesn’t allow comments on his blog, but you could shoot him an email at  Maybe you can leave a comment on his personal blog at  Let him know that you don’t care too much for his attitude.

The time for fairy tales has come to an end.  There is no god, there is no satan.  There are however people with a huge diversity.  They deserve respect.  We must speak clearly that we get one life and we need to share widely how powerful acceptance is.  Let none diminish another’s significance.

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Lively wants to Kill the Gays and the Pope Approves Sun, 16 Dec 2012 00:01:07 +0000 [SOURCE]

Scott Lively is one of those backward christians who really thinks that a god has come to him and saved him.  He’s also one of the christians responsible for going to Uganda in 2009 and ‘inspiring’ the “Kill the Gays Bill”.

Through international opposition the Uganda Parliament have not enacted the legislation.  They did supposedly change their minds and remove the parts of the bill that would see gay people executed for being gay.  However, the updated act would still see gay people locked up for life.  Just for being gay.

It’s a completely unjustifiable penalty.  Locking someone up because of their sexuality.  And yet people such as Lively think it’s a good idea.

First, the Bible has always defined homosexuality as a crime, and not just in the Mosaic Law.  Homosexuality was condemned by God long before Moses declared it a capital crime.

This is such a tired old claim.  I reject outright any notion that the bible has any authority over my life.  How offensive it is to use an old jumble of texts to justify your own hatred and bigotry.

Lively goes on to say:

The fact is that Ugandan law is typical of most African law in that it tends to be very harsh in the letter, but very lenient in the application.  I doubt very much that anyone arrested under the new law (if it passes) will receive anything close to the jail terms allowed for in the bill.

Regardless of whether someone is locked up, having a law on the books that requires imprisonment for life for something between consenting adults is unjustifiable. Even if the jail sentence is one day or even a minute. Nobody should be detained or have the threat of life in prison simply for being gay.

Third, and most importantly, there is one easy, guaranteed method of protecting oneself from ever being subject to the Anti-Homosexuality law in Uganda: Don’t Commit Sodomy!

By sodomy he means don’t have anal sex.  I don’t see why I should stop with the Love Llama – we have such a good time.  I’m not committing anything.  I’m sharing.

  We all seem to forget, in the dense propaganda haze of American popular opinion, that homosexuality is defined by voluntary sexual acts.

Yes, if it wasn’t voluntary on both parts we’d call it rape you dickwad. All sexual acts are voluntary, it’s really not a big deal.  However, for ways of expressing and sharing my love I voluntarily partake in sex acts with my Love Llama who just happens to be of the same-sex.  We love it.  Why should we stop?

Homosexuals are no more compelled to commit sodomy with each other than a married man is compelled to cheat on his wife.

killgaySexual relief is a natural bodily function.  I seek out said relief in many ways.  Nobody is ‘compelled’ to have sex at all.  We do it because it feels good.  Lively is not being asked to partake in something that he doesn’t like, nor are the people of Uganda.

While Lively is rolling around in his own little smug part of the world happy to endorse a bill that will cause great harm to his fellow humans, meanwhile, that other big religious homophobe in Rome has been busy too.

It seems that Pope Bendydick has blessed the speaker of the Uganda Parliamentt.  This is the same Ugandan who promised to pass the kill the gays bill as a christmas present for the people.  How charming.  Now the locking up of gay people is seen as a gift.

We can only see that as tactic approval by Bendydick that the Ugandans have it right in the eyes of the catholics.  Kill all the gays!

She handed over to the Pope a portrait of the Uganda Martyrs Shrine Namugongo, a historical place where Christians were murdered because of their allegiance to their faith.

Let me get this right… In Uganda people have been killed because they were christian.  Faith is something that can be changed, easily.  And yet, somehow, it’s ok to kill gay people because of who they are.  Will there be a shrine for those people?




The Salt Shakers talk about Same sex couples in Victoria Sat, 15 Dec 2012 11:49:27 +0000 [SOURCE]

The Salt Shakers are a small band of really silly christians.  As far as anyone can tell the whole thing is run out of the lounge room of Peter and Jenny Stokes.  They proudly talk about the Resistance To Thinking website that is their baby, that one is run by me old mate Cameron Spink.  Spinksy runs the whole thing.  Stokes and Spinksy like to pretend that they are really big and important movers and shakers.  I love reading their stuff, it’s always worth a chortle.  Today the Salty Stokers are upset that so few gay people have taken up the right to register their relationships in Victoria.  They have statistics and everything to support their story.

It’s four years since Victoria’s ‘Relationships Register’ commenced operation…

Not only four years, but also a change of government, and unlike the Queensland experience no changes to the laws have been made.

The 2011 census found that there are around 33,714 same-sex couples in Australia.

The majority of those live in NSW (12,731) and Victoria (8,722), with most living in the capital cities.

The 2011 census gave same-sex couples the opportunity to define their relationships. The vast majority – 96% – classified their relationship as ‘de facto partner’. Some reported their relationship as ‘husband’ or ‘wife – but this only applied to 1,338 couples.

With all the talk of relationships and marriage, few same-sex couples have chosen to formalise their relationship even when states have formal legislation that allows them to do so.

So?  The super mining tax also raised no tax.  What’s your point?

In Victoria, the Relationships Register began four years ago – on December 1, 2008. But only 572 same-sex couples have actually registered their relationship in those four years.

That’s just 6.5% of the homosexual couples in Victoria (using the census data).

So?  It wouldn’t matter whether it was 1 couple or all couples, the point is that 572 couples were able to do so.  Those couples consider it important to do.  Good for them.

The homosexual media claim that the low figure for ‘relationships registers’ is because same-sex couples want to be able to ‘marry’ so are flying overseas to do so.

That’s not strictly true – the ‘homosexual media’ printed a statement from Australian Marriage Equality.  A spokesman from AME made a comment.  Like it or not when couples go overseas they do so to marry, not ‘marry’.  It’s real.  They get a certificate and everything!  The quote marks around the word marry are sort of saying. “Like they go overseas to get like, quote married, unquote and like its not like its like marriage or sumfink”

They state that 1,338 couples have done this – a figure taken from the 2011 census. However, this is still a very small proportion of the total 33,714 same-sex couples. The census question allowed people to self-report as to whether their ‘partner’ was a ‘husband’ or wife’ – and these could have occurred over a number of years.

Even if half of these ‘married’ couples were from Victoria, that only makes a total of 1241 couples (669 + 572) who have legally formalised their relationship. Overall, that would mean that only 14.2% of all same-sex couples had taken either of these steps to formalise their relationship. This is still a very small proportion!

And?  What does it matter the size of the proportion?  Are you suggesting that it’s a waste of time?

Perhaps more concerning is the fact that heterosexual couples are choosing to register their relationship rather than getting married. In the past four years, 900 heterosexual couples have registered under the Victorian Relationships Register.

So?  People should be allowed to have their relationships recognised as they see fit.  A straight couple can make a choice between registration or marriage.  I can’t.  That’s wrong.

Thankfully, this is still only a small percentage of those who are getting married – in Victoria 27,503 couples married in 2011. In the past four years there have been 111,038 marriages.

Who cares whether people get married, it’s none of your business.  People get married because they love each other, not because some whacked out christian needs to be thankful.

So 900 heterosexual couples registering their relationship is only 0.8% of all couples who have legally formalised their relationship!

It’s so nice when people do math.  I wonder if he had a calculator.

However, we need to remember that, in Scandinavian countries, the introduction of Registered Partnerships (from 1989 onward) – for homosexual and heterosexual couples – eventually led to a decline in the number of heterosexual couples getting married.

This trend of ‘registering’ heterosexual relationships really does lead to the undermining of marriage.

ringsNo it doesn’t.  You can’t know the intention of the heterosexual couples registering instead of marrying.  Perhaps they never wanted to get married.  There’s no evidence to suggest that just because couples don’t marry that marriage is somehow undermined, how the hell do you undermine marriage anyway?  People are not being told not to get married.

These different schemes are designed to meet the expectations of a changing world.  Not everybody sees marriage as the only way to be in a relationship.  For some people it’s a hangover from earlier times when a woman was considered nothing more than property.  For some it has too many religious overtones, some people just don’t see the point and then some do.  Big deal.  Everyone should have a relationship recognised the way that best suits them.

We need to do all we can to promote the benefits of marriage between a man and a woman – the commitment it entails, the benefit it provides for the nurturing and protection of children and the fulfilling of God’s design for humanity as laid out in Genesis 1 and 2.

We need to do all we can to promote the benefits of healthy relationships between couples – the commitment it entails, the benefits of being in a healthy relationship help the nurturing and protection of children. Nobody really believes that a god has any design for humanity.  If you treat Genesis as anything other than a myth then you need to do a check on your version of reality.


The ACL and Christians Endorse Discrimination Sat, 15 Dec 2012 02:18:32 +0000 I wrote just the other day about Billy and how upset he is with the Government for trying to make Australia a better place by removing discrimination.

Billy used these words:

Of real concern are the addition of two new categories, sexual orientation and gender identity

Oh no, it’s a real concern!  That sounds drastic, but wait, along comes that other bastion of hatred towards teh gays, the Australian Christian Lobby, and look at their words:

Drastically expands the number of attributes that will be protected to include things like gender identity and sexual orientation;

Isn’t it funny.  Two new categories is just, well two.  The ACL can’t help themselves but call those two things a drastic expansion.  It sounds like there’s hundreds and hundreds of attributes being added.  I can see the veins in Jimbo’s head throbbing.

Then there’s me old mate Spinksy, he’s got a few of his own words that express his outrage

 Of course this will be used by pro-homosexual groups who (among others) will use this as a new way to target Christian groups and individuals who they claim to be “offended” by.

Certainly this proposed legislation cannot operate in such a way that would allow me to seek to charge anyone with a grievance against me yet it demonstrates a lopsidedness to this potential addition to discrimination law.

Goodness, who would have thought that the gays would use laws to target those that seek to vilify, discriminate and harass them.

Then there’s that pretend political party the Australian Christians:

Among other problems, the Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Bill 2012 would greatly increase the number of attributes (eg gender identity) on which discrimination is forbidden;

gaysHow funny, the notion that legislation to make it illegal to discriminate against sexual orientation and gender identity sends them into a tiz.  The fundamentalists just don’t like the idea that their outrageous and dangerous ideas might be made illegal.

Their outrage is along the lines of “How dare the government try to tell us that we can’t call gays nasty names and keep them out of jobs and nursing homes.  How dare they!  Don’t they know that they’re poofters!  Poofters are evil – we need to protect the world against poofters!  If we don’t the poofters will turn us all into poofters!”






The Gays Are Coming to Get Billy! Wed, 12 Dec 2012 03:01:30 +0000 [SOURCE]

The Australian Federal Government have gone to a lot of trouble to combine several Acts that deal with discrimination and human rights.  It’s a brilliant bit of work.  Unless you think that the Government is out to get you. Oh look – here’s a post by our resident American expert on everything…  Billy Mulehead.


It seeks to update, expand and standardise the current laws and make things even more difficult for those concerned about religious freedom, freedom of conscience, and freedom of speech.

More difficult?  Not really, it aims to cut the ability of religious organisation to discriminate for no good reason.

Of real concern are the addition of two new categories, sexual orientation and gender identity, and the stripping away of various religious exemptions.

It’d be a real concern if it wasn’t included.  The rights of those other than straight people are often trampled on by people claiming religious freedom.  It seems that freedom only goes one way.  I would think that the best place to protect the rights of those that are constantly oppressed would be in a anti-discrimination/human rights bill.

Quite so. This is more nanny state, big government restriction on healthy free speech, and a dangerous step toward more of the flawed concepts of hate speech and hate crimes.

That’s Billy saying what he wants is to maintain the right to say that all gay people are evil and of the devil.  He wants to be able to restrict the rights of anyone he wants without fear of prosecution.  He wants to be able to say hateful things because he believes in a fictional god.

Orwell’s Big Brother thrived on such things, but no democracy should even be thinking about moving in this direction.

Orwell’s Big Brother scenario that is so often trotted out is simply stupid.  Orwell’s work 1984 is a piece of fiction.  Nothing more and nothing less.  He is no more a seer or prophet than any author of fiction.  Billy doesn’t really specify why a democracy shouldn’t be moving in this direction.  But somewhere, deep in his mind is the notion that he might have to shut the fuck up.

And given all the mischief such laws have had on Christian groups and churches already, this move will only mean more restrictions of religious freedom, primarily that of Christians to proclaim the gospel and stand for truth in the public arena.

The gospel of truth of which he speaks is questionable.  He is pretending that his sacred text is the truth and the only truth.  Therefore he should always have the right to spout his religious nonsense without hindrance   He doesn’t care that most people in the world don’t give a low flying duck shit about his gospel of truth and simply dismiss it outright.  He can’t explain why such a small group of people should retain a right to spew forth their vile bile in the public square.  He also dislikes the ‘mischief such laws have’.  Nobody really is out to get you Billy, nobody is trying to shut you down.  But it is time that you learned that the world is big and your claim to truth is flawed.

Or as Orwell said elsewhere, “The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.” Indeed, that seems to be the main reason why such laws are being proposed in the first place.

Well no.  Society is drifting towards the truth, not away from it.  Those that continue to treat the bible as some sort of truth are in fact the hate speakers.  Christians of Bill’s type believe that the gospel should be used to make laws and those laws should be forced on everyone, regardless of their religious beliefs.  And that is the main reason the laws are being proposed.

I don’t think the laws go far enough – but its early days yet.

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Cameron Spinks says 238 Million People are Insignificant. Fri, 26 Oct 2012 23:44:17 +0000 [SOURCE]

How easy it is to see a christian getting their knickers in a twist over some really simple stuff.  In this case me old mate Spinksy can’t help but call the bluff of the homosexual lobby and then dance around with his own self-importance.  He must very very special indeed.

A recent Gallup poll was undertaken that revealed that 3.4% of adults in the United States identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. This finding is significant in its massive scale. 121,290 people answered the question “Do you, personally, identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender?” and only 3.4% of them answered in the affirmative.

Well, the research I’ve seen over many years makes that about right.  I thought it was about 2%, some people say it’s about 10%.  It’s never really clear and it really depends on how you ask the question.  For example, if the question was ‘have you had a sexual experience with a member of the same sex?’  You’d see a higher number.  If you’ve had a bit of a fiddle with your best mate, does that make you gay?  No, probably not. Bisexual?  Maybe, but probably not.  Is it an issue?  Only if you’re a repressed male christian who thinks your wobbly bits should only be inserted into another person who has signed a marriage certificate with you.

This sees a significant nail in the coffin of those wishing to pander the line that 10% of the population are homosexual. Instead it must be conceded that the figures suggest a much lower proportion of the population are actually homosexual. If this new Gallup poll stands under scrutiny then the percentage of homosexuals will be below 3.4% of the population (as the poll included bisexual and transgender as well).

Ho hum.  Does it matter that the minority is smaller?  Does that change any of the human rights concerns for homosexual people.  Does it make it ok to continue to belittle and persecute people because there are less of them than Spinksy thought?  If 13% of the world population has daily hunger and we can feed 10 % of that, does that mean we can then ignore the remaining 3%?  (13% of the world population is 925 million people.  The world’s population is about 7 billion).  Why does Spinksy get all upset about this when it’s only 3.4% of the population? He calls that insignificant and not compelling, yet continues to demonise gay people despite his impression that they’re insignificant.  That just shows how easy it is to pick on a minority simply because in his eyes they aren’t significant.

There is actually nothing compelling, one way or the other, about the percentage of the population who are homosexual. A sin still remains a sin no matter how many are participating in it. Yet quoting higher percentages in this case is a slight of the hand trick attempting to normalise such behaviours. If more people are doing it then it must be more acceptable to do.

The sin is only a sin in the mind of people who think that it’s a sin.   Doing the sin, in this case homosexuality,  is only acceptable to those doing it.  Spinksy can do his poofter bashing as much as he likes (as in his snide personal remarks, I’m sure his god stops him from doing actual physical harm), he can suppress anything he sees as a sin, but it’s not for the likes of him or any other religious fuckwits to dictate how others lead their lives.  And while the percentage might not be compelling, if we extrapolate the 3.4% across the world population we find that is 238 million people.  I don’t care what religious hogwash you’re flaying around in Spinksy, 238 million people is compelling.

While there is no real significance in the number of people who are homosexual it is worth blowing the elaborately fashioned smoke screen away. The Christian position on marriage (or anything else) should not change regardless of what the numbers tell us.

No real significance?  How easily he victimises those 238 million people and wipes away their human rights.  He seeks to impose the “christian position on marriage’ to all the population, regardless of personal belief.

This is surely the height of arrogance from any other person on the planet who sees themselves as an authority on how to deal with other humans.

Spinksy yet again demonstrates that his website is aptly named Resistance Thinking. He just needs to insert a ‘to’ between Resistance and Thinking.

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