Stuff – Bruce Llama That's one crazy Llama Mon, 04 Jan 2016 02:22:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Hitchens Dies Tue, 20 Dec 2011 03:12:08 +0000 [SOURCE]

There’s plenty out there to read about Christopher Hitchens.  I’ve read some of his stuff and it was good.  So I read it again.  Now he’s dead.

The christians however, can’t help themselves.  Now they’re saying crazy whacky things like:

 “My friend Christopher Hitchens has died. I loved & prayed for him constantly & grieve his loss. He knows the Truth now.”

Don’t be stupid – he’s dead.  He no longer exisits.  Is it that hard?

He said Hitchens’ death “is an excruciating reminder of the consequences of unbelief. We can only pray others will believe.”

How would you know?  He’s dead.  We can be certain that there is no consequences to the dead person.

“The point about Christopher Hitchens is not that he died of unbelief,” he concluded, “but that his unbelief is all that matters now. Unspeakably sad.”

He died of cancer, not unbelief.  And nothing matters to him, he’s dead.

How fucked up can you get?  A man dies and all his christian friends line up to say how they tried to save him for their jesus and now all’s lost.

I also love the fact that Twitter lit up with a trending topic #GodIsNotGreat – the title of one of Hitchen’s books.  The christian wankers got their holy noses all out of joint over it.  Some of them where so upset they offered to kill whoever started the hash tag #GodIsNotGreat.  Check this list out of some of the highlights.

Hitchens had an impact on me and my way of thinking.  He’s book was well worth the read.

For that I’m grateful.


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The Alpha and the Omega Mon, 19 Dec 2011 21:22:47 +0000

Truth in Advertising

I just love a bit of truth in advertising.  Yesterday, there was no jesus, today there is no jesus and there will never be a jesus.  It’s true, jesus christ is the same.  A church that got it right!

Foo Fighters stick it up Westboro Baptists. Wed, 21 Sep 2011 22:41:57 +0000 I just love it when someone sticks it up the Westboro Baptists.

Westboro decided to picket the Foo Fighters concert in Kansas City, but the Foo types had an idea up their sleeve.

A willy waving to them.

Chinese die for your Ipad Mon, 09 May 2011 23:54:51 +0000 [SOURCE]

Last year I blogged about Foxconn.  They make Ipads for our consummation.  The workers in the Foxconn factory commit suicide.  They leap out of the buildings to kill themselves because of the way they are treated.  Foxconn’s response, wasn’t to make conditions better for the workers, it was to put nets up, probably so they don’t have to pay for the clean up.

A new report into conditions at Apple’s manufacturing partner, Foxconn, has found slave labour conditions remain, with staff complaining of being worked to tears, exposure to harmful disease, pay rates below those necessary to survive and military-style management that routinely humiliates workers.

Nothing’s changed in China.  And you know why?  Because we continue to demand low price gadgets at the expense of other people’s safety.  Because they’re so far away and we don’t know them it’s ok.  This kind of treatment would not be tolerated in Australia, and yet rather than boycott Ipads, or any other piece of technology, we buy, buy buy.  We continue to demand them and to satisfy the corporate greed, they continue to supply them at the great cost of human life.


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Midsumma is here! Fri, 21 Jan 2011 14:04:49 +0000 Midsumma crowd

Photo by Michael Barnett - click to see more

It’s that time of the year!  The annual Midsumma carnival is on.

There’s so much to see and do over the couple of weeks.

The love llama and myself got ourselves along to Carnival day, it’s a sort of ritual.  It was a bright sunny day, very bright, and there wasn’t much shade about.  You could tell it was a homosexual event as there where rows of tents devoted to adopting dogs, men holding hands and lesbians fighting on the green.  There were more rainbows on display than Noah ever saw from his ark, and then there was dust.  So much dust, I’ve been spitting dust ever since.

The whole pet industry would collapse overnight if gays were allowed to have children!  I’m sure the dogs really enjoy a day out, in the dust and the sun.  Just about every male couple had a dog on a lead, small dogs, yappy things, while the lesbians had big butch dogs that could bite your head off without blinking.  The dogs no doubt look forward to the outing, bounding around their lounge rooms in excitement, hardly able to contain themselves.

It’s great that Melbourne can put on such an event that is well attended, and the general public passed through Birrarung Marr on their way to and from the tennis, barely even noticing or caring about what was happening around them.

Click here or on the photo above to see the album from Mikey Bear – there’s lots of good photos in there.

Boats from China Mon, 27 Dec 2010 04:07:11 +0000 [SOURCE]

While people are worrying about boats from Indonesia carry illegal immigrants, some of them being dashed upon the shores of Christmas Island, (which is very disturbing in itself), the State Governement in Victoria, newly elected and all nice and shiny, is suggesting that we allow more ships in from China, their cargo would not be people – well, mainly not people, but shit.

The Government expects that the amount of containers arriving in Melbourne will quadruple over the next thirty years.

I don’t know how many containers we get now, but judging by the amount of shit in the shops in the lead up to Baby Jesus Dayâ„¢ we are getting plenty.  So, where’s all this extra stuff going to go?  Who’s going to buy the extra stuff?  With such a huge increase in incoming goods, we’re going to need more shopping centres, more trolleys, more cars, trucks and trains, more homes, more consumers and more money.

It’s news stories like this that make me wonder just how much we are trying to reduce the amount we consume, with all the talk of global warming, tax on carbon and finger pointing at the worlds major polluters, here we are considering increasing the amount of incoming stuff, thereby adding to the worlds pollution and it’s all ok.

Let’s now link the two stories together, with all the extra goods coming in we’ll need more people, so it’s about time we let the people in, the refugees, and indoctrinate them in the ways of a consumer society, after all, unless we all start getting truck loads of money, how will we afford all the extra shit we need to have a happy consumer life.

I rather suspect this is more about big companies making money that us caring for our society and our environment.  We continue to consume, without enough care, and until we reduce our consumption, no amount of carbon tax will reduce the pollution, no amount of aid will stop poverty and people will continue to find nations like Australia desirable destinations.

There’s all these fossil fuels and minerals in the ground, we dig them up and make stuff out of them, medicinal drugs, tyres, cars, televisions and so on.  We also dig them up and make them into reindeer antlers that we can stick on our cars so that our cars can also join in the festive season.

With all the extra containers coming in, no doubt we’ll be able to put huge antlers on our houses, we can cover all the electrical wires with tinsel,Car with Antlers we can hang giant Santa’s from every power pole and place fake Christmas trees on every street corner, and all because we will have quadrupled the amount of containers arriving on your shores.

I can hardly wait.

Late at night Sun, 05 Sep 2010 06:07:19 +0000 Main St Rosstown

Main St Rosstown

Now look, as I was coming home from grazing in the paddocks yesterday with the Love Llama, we turned down the main street and found that on the left side of the road we could do 40 km/h on the right side we could do 60 km/h – now being the sensible sorts of llama’s that we are, and as tempting as it was to drive on the right side of the road in a ‘drive on the left’ country we opted to take a photo.

Now I’m off to eat my seeds and nuts.

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The Change Over At The Top Fri, 25 Jun 2010 08:28:00 +0000 There’s been a change at the top, we somehow managed to change Prime Ministers mid-stream. It has been a very impressive handover of power.

Krudd gave a speech that told us all how proud he was about his achievements while in power. He was clearly deeply emotional and took long pauses as he gathered himself together and ploughed on through. He spoke fondly of his family, wife and children and thanked his staff. He gave thanks to god – that would be the same god that he has clearly fallen out of favour with. He had a cry and then with the world ‘zip’ he was gone, back in the doors and away.

Krudd said he’ll be sticking around, it’ll be interesting to see where he goes next. Back bench? Front bench? Ambassador to the Holy See?

Julia Gillard then appeared, quite unrepentant about what has been unfolding, took responsibility for the change and clearly is already in charge. She acknowledged the great job that Krudd did, took responsibility for some of the questionable decisions of the previous administration and then told us all what she was thinking about in the future. She was unemotional and pretty matter of fact about the transition. Very forthright.

The head of government in Australia is not directly elected by it’s citizens, despite the words that tumble out of their mouths. We don’t get to vote directly for them, we have to elect members of the same party so that that party has a majority. This means, as has clearly been demonstrated over the last 24 hours, that we don’t get to pick our PM. In fact, the PM is only PM while he (or she)enjoys the majority support of the parliamentary party. I don’t like that idea. There really has been no public outcry for the PM to step down, and let’s face it, the real reason why Krudd has been ousted is because the Labor Party really thinks that they’ll loose the next election with Krudd at the top. So, this really isn’t about what’s best for Australia, it is about what’s best for the Labor Party to stay in power. Of course they believe that in the long run they are doing this for the best interest of Australia, but I think they show a certain about of disrespect to the Australian electorate for not allowing us to make the decision about who leads us. It’s time for some reform, we need to directly elect our leaders and we need to directly sack our leaders.

Oh, she’s a woman, a red head, not married and childless, probably an atheist. So?

The Change at the Top Thu, 24 Jun 2010 00:58:00 +0000 How quickly things move, Kevin Rudd steps down while Julia Gillard steps up and there’s a change of leadership. Krudd was saying how he’d been elected by the Australian people. What twaddle, the only way you get to be PM is for your party to vote you there. It has nothing to do with the rest of the nation, because if it did Krudd would still be in power.

There’s only reason why the Labor Party has changed leaders, it’s because they want to stay in power, and they reckon that Krudd was a liability, Gillard is their best chance at clinging on to the reigns of power.

And… she’s a woman, so history is being made. Our first female prime minister. It’s a pity she gets there in this way and not by election by the people, but we’ll see.

So, our Head of State is the Queen, her representative in Australia, The Governor General, she’s a woman and now our Prime Minister is an unmarried atheist who’s also a woman! She’s in a relationship with a hairdresser, a man.

The change at the top is quick and ruthless, there has been no blood shed and no battles on the street, the army has not been called out and the police are not in riot gear. The action of government means the rest of us can get on with our lives. That’s something to be happy about.

Committing Suicide – Part 2 Mon, 07 Jun 2010 12:05:30 +0000 [SOURCE]

Yesterday I blogged about Foxconn.  It seems that the workers in their China factory are so overworked that some of them committed suicide.

Foxconn have decided that that isn’t acceptable and have given their workers a 60% payrise.  Wow, that’s pretty impressive!  There are conditions:

  1. Doesn’t come into effect until October (So stiff shit if you feel like killing yourself now)
  2. It’s performance based after a 3 month review (How do you get better performance if you already work 12 hour days, are only allowed a 10 minute break every two hours and get yelled at all the time?)
  3. There are no details on how the performance is to be assessed.

Sounds like to me it’s just lip service.  And what will Apple do when they discover the cost of their parts has increased?  Will they pass that cost onto you the consumer, will they absorb it, or will they simply go to another manufacturer?

Nice move Foxconn, let’s hope you are really sincere in trying to save the lives of your workers.

