acl – Bruce Llama That's one crazy Llama Mon, 04 Jan 2016 02:22:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Sabbath, Flying and Texting made simple Wed, 01 Oct 2014 09:45:29 +0000 So just what is it that brings this Llama out of his semi-retirement holiday of “I’ve got better things to do”.

Is it me old mate Spinksy that thinks he’s clever.  No.

Is it everyone’s favourite Great Uncle Billy?  No.  Although I note he’s not been so busy with the gayz of late, what with all these muslims to worry about.  He’s been telling us for years!

It must be the ACL then, Lyle has finally got the right combination of prayer and money to force his will onto the rest of us?  Nope.

It’s the jews!

Well some of them.  The ultra-orthodox ones that have sparked me fur to stand on end like a million hard soldiers.

Two good stories that show just how stupid religion is becoming!

The first one about the silly men who refuse to sit next to women on aeroplanes, well anywhere at all really.  But in this case, on aeroplanes.

Ultra-orthodox-Jews-in-BrooklynWhen a bunch of ultra-orthodox men climb onto a plane they begin to harass women to move so that they don’t have to sit next to them.  Their religion doesn’t allow them too.  Strangely it does allow them to climb onto the plane and be flung through the air at great speed, but not to sit next to a woman.

Why?  I hear you ask.  I’m glad you did.  It seems that for some extraordinary reason any time an ultra-orthodox man so much as glances at a women he is tempted to have sex with her and if that wasn’t bad enough, the ultra-orthodox have no way of knowing if the woman is having her period.  So they think they can’t sit next to them least they might touch and he will need to have sex, or she might be unclean because she’s menstruating.

If it was my airline that was being held up because a bunch of passengers won’t sit in their allocated seats, I’d kick them off straight away.  You give it a try, get on a plane and refuse to take your seat so the plane can depart.  How long before you are ejected from the flight?  However, if you do it while wearing a possum felt hat, some frilly lace stuff, maybe some white stockings and a black coat you can get away with it.

Next up is the mobile phone app that will allow you to text on the sabbath.  Thank fucking god for that one!  I mean how silly of god not to know back at the dawn of time that one day all good little jewish boys would have a smart phone and want to send a text message on a Saturday arvo when the footy is on!  A complete lack of foresight by the almighty.  The dickhead.

Thankfully Man to the rescue!  Some nutter has devised an app that allows you to use the phone on the sabbath so that you’re not breaking the rule about working or some crap.  The app keeps the screen lit at all times, keeps the battery consumption at an even level and delays the time between pressing the keyboard and the letter being displayed.

God is so fucking stupid that he can be fooled into thinking the phone isn’t being used because the battery isn’t being drained, the screen doesn’t suddenly become bright and the keys aren’t making a noise when being pushed.

It’s better to have the app for the kiddies, because the thinking goes that if they are breaking one rule on the sabbath then they will think nothing of breaking other rules.

Before  you know it the boys will be touching girls and getting tempted to sin.  Worse yet, they might even sit next to one of them on an aeroplane and take a photo.

Well back to my little holiday.  You’ll find me booking 4 seats so I don’t have to sit next to any ultra-orthodox types with mobile phones.

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Lyle says Thy Will Be Done – just like he wants Thu, 20 Feb 2014 11:58:14 +0000 [SOURCE]


Over at the ACL our new bestest mate Straight Lyle is banging on about the lords prayer being said in Parliament.  The Greens are trying to get rid of the prayer.  He thinks it should stay, no surprises there, and there’s no surprises in what I think either.

Since 1901, the prayer has been recited at the start of each sitting day in the senate and house of representatives by the president and speaker respectively.

So?  In 1901 we hanged people, we thought the indigenous people  needed to be eradicated and women couldn’t vote.  My, how times have changed.

Australia did not become what it is in a vacuum. Christianity had a profound impact on the development of western institutions, including parliament.

Religion has abused its position in  Australia.  It was trusted with our most vulnerable children and it abused them.  How’s that for a profound fucking impact.

While not everyone in Australia is Christian (although more than 60 per cent tell the census they are), nothing changes the fact that Christianity made a significant contribution to making Australia what it is today.

That means that almost 40% of Australians are not christian.  Of the 60% that you’re claiming Straight Lyle, how many do you think wake up every morning and say the lords prayer.  Apart from you.  I’d say about 3 or 4 people.  Claiming that 60% of Australia has the same understanding of christianity as you is a load of shit mate.

It is a simple fact that Christianity is part of our cultural heritage in a way that other religions are not. That is no disrespect to them. The ethics and ideas of other religions simply did not have the same impact on the formation of western values and the Australian nation.

In the early years of white settlement the Irish hated the catholics and spent their time killing each other.  Great ethics

As the pre-European peoples of this land, indigenous people, are of course a huge part of our cultural heritage. Recognition of their cultural heritage is also acknowledged in parliament each day and that is fair enough. The Greens have not sought to remove this.

I don’t know about the phrase “pre-European peoples of this land” where the fuck did that come from.  Did it occur to you Straight Lyle that the reason we recognise the first Australians culture is because we murdered them?  We took their culture and utterly destroyed it.  We stole their children.  The acknowledgement of the land we meet on is way more important than some white bloke muttering a religious prayer.

Most of us would condemn the cutting down of a 113 year old tree, but when it comes to our cultural heritage the Greens are happy to fell any vestiges of the values of our past.

How wrong you are.  Most of us don’t give a shit.  If we did we’d still have lots of bushland and would prevent more logging.  Which tree did you fall out of?

There is a clash of ideas and values occurring in our political discourse. That’s fine, that’s healthy, that’s democracy.

Suggesting that someone’s faith has no place in the workplace, as Senator Di Natale did, is anti-democratic. Why are Di Natale’s views superior?

A clash now is it?  Part of democracy is being elected and putting forward ideas.  Once you get elected you then get to put forward ideas and everyone gets a vote.  That’s democracy.  Here we have a Senator using democracy to push forward an idea, and in true democratic fashion it was defeated.  On what basis do you think he is anti-democratic.

Whether people believe in God or not, the ideas of the teacher Jesus embodied in the Lord’s Prayer are worth reflecting on.

If you don’t believe in god you’re not likely to give the lord’s prayer a second thought.  But let me give it a second thought for you.  It’s shit.

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.

Seriously, this is the start of a prayer?  Telling this god fella that his name is holy and where he lives?

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

The kingdom isn’t coming, and if the same will is happening in heaven then heaven is pretty fucked up too.

Give us this day our daily bread.

Certainly this works, there are no hungry people in the world because all the christians pray every day for bread.

and forgive us our trespasses

Yeah, MPs need to get on their knees and pray for forgiveness because they’re really gonna fuck everyone over.

as we forgive those who trespass against us.

Unless there is some sort of punishment we can enact and lock them up.

and lead us not into temptation.

What?  Why the fuck would god lead us into temptation.  Oh wait, he put that tree in the garden and Adam and Eve got tempted.  What a prick.

but deliver us from evil

Well that’s not working, so much evil, just look at what we do to asylum seekers.

For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory for ever and ever.

Australia is a sovereign nation, I know this because the government has a program called sovereign borders.  So the power and the glory really seems to sit with whoever calls herself Prime Minister.


Yeah, whatever.  The lords prayer is a crock of shit, it does nothing and means nothing.

The idea that humans are not the font of all power is especially worth meditating on. Especially in parliament.

We are the font of all power, we exercise that power at the ballot box.  All those christians prayed to get elected and they didn’t.  The power is with the people, not a pretend deity.

Meanwhile, the Greens have vowed to keep fighting to remove the prayer in the same way they are relentlessly campaigning to redefine marriage.

Oh yeah, don’t forget the gays.  Be sure to stick the boots in again, just to make your great christian point that the Greens have no right to attempt to change the system because they’re on the inside and you’re not.  They are entitled to keep fighting for what they believe.  Nothing wrong with that.

It is time to push back on their vision to deconstruct our civic and family life.

And yet, here they are elected.  So they are representing their view of the world based on the people that elected them.  Did you ever think you have the wrong idea about democracy?

They are a small political party but they have a big voice. Seasoned with grace, we should start to use our voice. Silence is no longer an option.

The ACL is a small party of christian right-wing nut jobs who have no political clout.  They’re just pretending.  Your voice, Straight Lyle is anything but silent.  You and your ACL have been bellowing for years about insignificant matters instead of getting out there and helping real people.  Instead you use your money to fund political fights against duly elected representatives.   That sounds pretty un-democratic to me.

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The ACL guides us on appropriateness! Tue, 04 Feb 2014 21:49:29 +0000 [SOURCE]

The Australian Christian Lobby has questioned the use of taxpayers’ money to subsidise so-called art aimed at denigrating religion.

Let me answer the question for you – taxpayers money is being spent on a fringe festival, not specifically on just one show.  It’s one of the things that governments do.  You know, like when the government paid for the security for that old fart pope bloke to come pay a visit, us non-religious types thought that was a waste of money.  Or how about when my tax payer money is spent on presents for the next king of England?  That’s a waste too.  And just where do you get off denigrating someone’s performance as ‘so-called art’?

The South Australian Government and Adelaide City Council sponsorship of a Fringe Festival event entitled ‘Come Heckle Christ’ is inappropriate according to the ACL’s South Australia spokesperson Dan Flynn.

Well, the world would be a worse place if we all decided what could and couldn’t be funded on some sort of criteria around appropriateness decided by the likes of Danny Flynn.

The Catholic Archbishop of Adelaide, Philip Wilson, was right to urge people to complain about the production, Mr Flynn said, and ACL would encourage its supporters to do the same.

Seriously?  You want to complain about a play in a fringe festival?  You’d sooner shut it down and suppress the right of the artists to free speech?  Wow.

“While ACL supports freedom of speech and most Christians are very tolerant when it comes to public attacks on their faith, ‘Come Heckle Christ’ had gone too far, particularly as it is partially funded by the public purse,” Mr Flynn said. “In a tolerant society there is room for disagreement and debate but respect for religion should be encouraged.”

So, now we have to respect your religion?  Why the fuck should we encourage respect for a religion that thinks people who don’t accept jesus bloody christ as god are going to burn in hell for all eternity?  Why should there be respect for a bunch of bigots who think gay people should be stoned to death?  Why should we respect a religion that is clearly a fantasy?  What Danny boy and his type are really saying is that religion should be respected just because it should be respected, because it’s religion.  There’s no other reason.  If your god is offended by the performance let him deal with it by the dropping by and yelling at the top of his voice stop it!  At the very least he should send bushfires or floods or a bunch of frogs to nibble the artists toes.  I would have thought that the ACL would be more interested in protecting the rights of gay people in Nigeria who are going to be stoned to death for being gay.  The catholic bishops over there think it’s a good idea.  Where is the outrage about that?

Mr Flynn noted that advertising material for the production described the crucifixion of Christ as a “fairy-tale” despite the fact that no serious historian believes that.

Ha!  Serious historians!  Therefore any historian that says there is no evidence for the existence of jesus is not a serious historian?  It’s great to see that the ACL now controls the criteria for serious people too.



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Canberra’s Nutters Gather to Protest Mon, 21 Oct 2013 23:10:20 +0000 [SOURCE]

The government in the Australian Capital Territory is about to pass legislation making it legal for same-sex couples to get married in the ACT.  It’s an interesting step for an Australian state to make, although the Federal Government may attempt to override the new laws through the courts.

Enter the ACL, those wacky christians issued a media release called “Statement by Abrahamic Faith Leaders of Canberra” – that’s a nice way of saying the Jews, Christians and the Muslims.

Below is a copy of a statement of faith by seven faith leaders here in Canberra that was released today ahead of the ACT Marriage Equality Bill that is expected to be debated tomorrow. Whilst not organised by the ACL, the ACL welcomes the statement by the group.

Goodness me, so the ACL wasn’t needed!  Shunned by their own faithful!

Seventy percent of Australians identify with an Abrahamic religion – Christianity, Islam and Judaism.

Yes, 70% may identify, but that doesn’t mean that they all agree on everything.

As leaders of several of these faith traditions, we have gathered to share our concerns about the ACT Government’s proposed same sex marriage legislation.

These leaders do no represent the 70% by a long shot, trying to argue from authority that they simply don’t have.

We are concerned for the long-term risks of such a Bill for our society.

You are?  What are they?  Tell us what those long-term risks are?  I bet you can’t.

While affirming the inherent dignity of all human beings,

Except if you’re anything other than heterosexual.  You’d sooner sack anyone that isn’t just like you.  You’d sooner say that the love I have for my love llama is somehow second rate.  Some of you that have signed this media release think that gays should be stoned to death.  So much for dignity.

our faith traditions also affirm the traditional concept of marriage between a man and a woman as being for the good of the individual, the family and society.

Yes, I agree.  Marriage between a man and a woman is good for the individual, the family and society.  So is marriage between two people of the same sex.  Everyone should be able to get married. In your particular faith feel free to celebrate marriage in the way you want, and those that don’t believe as you can get married and celebrate in the way they like.

We invite the wider community to join with us in calling for the Bill to be subject to community consultation through the normal Legislative Assembly Committee process.

Oh yes, that’s it, it’s not enough that you think you represent 70%  of the population you now want the other 30% to join in and see the world your way.  Great way to show dignity to each human being.  And while you’re at it why don’t you call into question the legitimacy of the passage of the bill in the duly elected parliament of the ACT.  Find a way to delay it so you can start spreading more of your vile innuendo.

Imam Adama Konda, Canberra Islamic Centre

Islam – founded by a goat herder and child sex abuser.

Arnold Cummins, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Founded by a man who transcribed the holy book from brass tablets with magic glasses.  Both which then disappeared.

Pastor Sean Stanton, Australian Christian Churches, Canberra

Believe that the bible is accurate.

Bishop Trevor Edwards, Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn

Marriage is so important that the church was established so the King of England could have a divorce to marry another women.

Pastor BJ Hayes, Canberra National Adventist Church

Will throw you out of their church if you are gay.

Monsignor John Woods, Catholic Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn

Thinks that bread can turn into their god so you can eat him.

Rabbi Shmuel Feldman, Rabbi for Canberra and Region.

Should apologies for inflicting this bunch of nutters on the rest of the world.

Apparently they couldn’t find anyone from the Satanist Society.


Gay Marriage is Harmless, Unless you’re a Homophobic Bigoted christian. Fri, 11 Oct 2013 09:43:34 +0000 [SOURCE]

The Australian “We hate the Gays” Christian Lobby has re-published a whole article on the question of whether same-sex marriage is harmless.  They got the article from News Weekly. You can’t access the article on News Weekly unless you sign up for an account and they want money for that.  News Weekly is run by the National Civic Council who among their aims have this:

  • Rigorous education which
    • Values the acquisition of knowledge as well as the processes of learning and promotes intellectual excellence and disciplines (such as history and philosophy) abandoned by influential educational theorists; and
    • Provides the base of knowledge necessary for every person to participate fully as a member of society.

They also have these rather silly statements:

  • The integrity of the individual, including full legal protection of the right to life for all human beings from fertilisation to natural death.
  • Judeo-Christian values which provide the cement to hold our society together in opposition to the prevailing view which rejects the concept of the common good and makes the difference between right and wrong, truth and falsehood, a matter of personal preference only rather than objective reality.
  • Divorce. Opposition to easy divorce laws.
  • The family. Support for policies which enhance intact families, rejection of lifestyles which undermine family values.

So it’s not hard to write them off as another bunch of christians fundamentalists.

Any way, on to the question of the day…


Good questions, lets see what

by Patrick J. Byrne (re-published with the permission of the author)

has to say on the subject.

Same-sex marriage fundamentally changes not only the legal definition of marriage, but all the social, educational, economic, legal and religious institutions that service and support marriage, family and children.

Really?  How do you figure that?  I’m pretty sure that couples wanting to get married and who are of the opposite sex will still be able to do that.  A fundamental change would mean that everyone would have to get married to something different, like a goat, or an alpaca.  Marriage Equality simply allows same-sex couples the right to marry.  You should really consider it a tweak.  I look forward to your reasoning as to how this ‘fundamental’ redefinition changes social, educational, economic, legal and religious institutions that ‘service’ and support marriage as it is.

Schools: If marriage is redefined in law, it would be legal to teach same-sex marriage, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transsexual issues in schools. In fact, the courts may invoke anti-discrimination law to force these issues into schools.

gay-marriageI’m not at all sure what ‘legal to teach same-sex marriage’ is all about.  Just explain to me what teaching about same-sex marriage actually means, and why it would be a bad thing.  And believe it or not lots of places already have curriculums that include issues on sexuality and the sky is still in the sky.  Your claim that the courts may invoke a way to force the issues into schools is a bit of a furphy really.  I guess you really just mean into good christian schools.  And so what if schools do teach it?  Those schools no doubt have a gay population and their rights should surely be included and not excluded, after all your NCC actually wants rigorous education.

The Australian Education Union’s policy declares that “homosexuality, bisexuality, transgenderism and intersex need to be normalised” in education.

You do know that being GLBTI is normal, right?  It’s not a surprise.  Refer to the rigorous eduction statement above.

In 2006, the NSW Attorney-General’s Department produced a Learn to Include: Teachers Manual for primary schools. It provides a range of resources for teaching about same-sex parents in primary schools.

Oh, I wonder if that’s legal.  I bet the AG knows a thing or two about the law.  There’s a certainly reality to the manual.  Whether you like it or not, same-sex couples have children and guess what, they send them to school.  So rather than have the teacher freeze in shock when discovering that one of  his students has two mums, a manual will show them the correct response.  You could always use the christian manual when dealing with gay parents and ask the child brings them into the playground during playtime so that they can be stoned to death.

Children: Same-sex marriage will greatly affect future children, denying many their birth right to their true biological identity.

Already many people go out of their way to discover who the donors are.  It’s utmost in the minds of many eager parents to actually keep track of the biological parents, and that’s just the straight people.  Sure, some parents like to hide this sort of facts, but they’re pretty rare.  I think most of us these days understand the need to know the history of our beginnings. As to the notion that some right is being denied, I’m not sure what right this is that you refer to or what it even means.

Not only will it result in more children being born of donor conception and surrogacy, but the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transsexual (GLBT) lobby is campaigning to have the birth certificates of children adopted by same-sex couples to be changed to record the same-sex couple in place of the biological parents.

It won’t result in more children being born.  Gay people are already doing the children thing, they really are.  They achieve it in many ways, its true that it will make it easier, but I don’t expect to see a sudden burst of millions of children being born into same-sex families let alone somehow being denied something.

There’s no issue with a birth certificate reflecting the names of the parents, it prevents all sorts of misunderstandings.  There’s other ways to address the record keeping of the donors.  And seriously, names on a birth certificate is a reason to stop gay people from getting married?

The Australian Human Rights Commission has recommended — in the interest of same-sex parents — that birth certificates should be open to recording any of the “birth mother, birth father, lesbian co-mother or gay co-father”

There you go, a way to record the relevant information on the birth certificate.  Unless you really have no ability to change your thinking and think that somehow a birth certificate with more than a few lines of text on it is really too hard to handle what exactly is the issue here?

 This stands in contrast to Article 7 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), which says: “The child shall be registered immediately after birth and shall have the right from birth to a name, the right to acquire a nationality and, as far as possible, the right to know and be cared for by his or her parents.”

No it doesn’t contrast Article 7 at all, in fact it goes further to make sure that all the relevant information is recorded.  It’s also interesting to note that the word ‘parents’ doesn’t exclude same-sex couples.

While the GLBT lobby wants to replace biological parents’ names on birth certificates with the names of same-sex partners (“psychological” parents), there have been three inquiries into the rights of donor-conceived children to know their “biological” origins. These inquires were by: the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs inquiry (2011), the Victorian Law Reform Commission (2012) and the NSW Legislative Assembly (2012). 9, 10, 11.

All three inquiries recommended that donor-conceived children should have a right to access their biological mother/father.

Yes, that’s right.  It’s why we have inquiries.  You seem to be of the mistaken belief that somehow same-sex couples willingly want to hide the biological details of their children’s parentage.  I think you’re probably out of touch there.  In fact, lots of couples I know go to extraordinary lengths to include the biological parents in the lives of their children.  Sometimes the donor doesn’t want any involvement, sometimes they do.

Businesses will also be affected by same-sex marriage, particularly those associated with wedding services — photographers, caterers, function hire places — and bed-and-breakfast accommodation. Same-sex marriage law greatly increases the reach of anti-discrimination law.

In the U.S. state of New Mexico, where same-sex marriage is legal, the state’s supreme court last month found photographer Elaine Huguenin guilty under the New Mexico Human Rights Act of refusing to provide her services to a lesbian couple’s wedding.

Two weeks after legislators in the U.S. state of Oregon passed a same-sex marriage law, a local maker of old-fashioned wedding trolleys was forced to shut down his business after being hounded by the GLBT lobby for refusing to supply a lesbian wedding function, according to the Baltimore Sun (December 25, 2012).

The paper noted, “Wedding vendors elsewhere who refused to accommodate same-sex couples have faced discrimination lawsuits — and lost.”

In Europe, a draft piece of European Union law known as the Equal Treatment Directive will, if passed, drastically increase pressure on business, particularly in countries recognising same-sex marriage. It will force businesses to provide goods or services that contravene their consciences on threat of being hauled before the courts if they don’t.

So basically you’d be pleased if a business that thought black people should use the rear door to get into their shop is ok?  You would be happy for a business that believes a child with a disability is the result of the sins of her parents and therefore shouldn’t be served in a café?  It’s really easy, if businesses want to thrive they serve everyone.  It’s actually what they already do.  They don’t ask their customers if they’re divorced, a muslim, a jew, a christian or any other arbitrary system of discrimination, so why is it OK for a business to discriminate based on the sexuality of the customer?  Short answer, it isn’t.

Churches will gain only temporary exemptions from involvement in same-sex marriages, at best.

Churches already have a raft of ways of only marrying the people they want.  That won’t change.  The real question is how will a church refuse to marry a couple of their loyal members who are gay?  That will be interesting.  In any case, marriage is a civil right, not a religious right.  Maybe it’s time to take the act of marriage out of the churches.

The whole article is based on nothing at all.  It doesn’t stand up to any sort of scrutiny.  Doesn’t matter how many footnotes you can stick in, a bit of common sense shows your article to be nothing more than more christian clap-trap that is still driven by the fear that the whole world will turn gay if you even consider that people like me are normal.

So after all that, to answer your question, is it harmless?  The answer is yes, you homophobic bigoted fuckwit.

No Gays in our Retirement Village! Thu, 27 Jun 2013 07:23:42 +0000 [SOURCE]

angry-jesusYou’ll be forgiven if you didn’t catch up with the news during the week that a new bill made its way through the Australian Parliament and is set to become law.

It’s the “Sex Discrimination Amendment (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Status) Bill 2013”.  It is quite historic as it covers gay, lesbian, transgender and intersex discrimination.  That’s really very powerful.

The new law has a raft of exemptions, most notably and with no surprise, for religious bodies to discriminate against the gays.  With one exception.  Religious bodies who run aged-care facilities may not discriminate against the homosexuals.

This has the ACL spitting grey furballs against the bingo board in their aged-care facilities across the nation.

Oh, they don’t actually run any.  That’s right, they only lobby for silly things.

“it removes religious exemptions for Commonwealth aged-care providers to preference a married couple over an unmarried couple or a heterosexual over a homosexual resident.

Some aged care facilities run by faith organisations treasure their ethos and want to be free to preserve this.”

Yes, that’s right, a couple who have lived together for 40 years and aren’t married should be locked out to keep your quaint ethos.  No doubt that old couple of lesbians will go on a rampage making all the old girls quiver in places that long ago stopped quivering.  Heaven forbid that the gay guys might actually manage to get some of the old husbands up again.  And lordy me, how will we deal with the 80 year olds that have just shacked up together?

However, the ACL questions why this legislation was pursued when no examples of actual discrimination have actually been put forward. ACL understands it’s the practice of many faith-based aged-care providers to help and look after elderly people regardless of their sexuality

Excellent, there are no actual examples, so there is no problem in enshrining it in law. Even better that ‘many’ homes are already looking after the elderly gay people, I rather suspect though, that is those outside the ‘many’ that need to be inclusive.

 It was nothing but a stalking horse to pursue this legislation and instead sets up a precedent for other religious exemptions to be challenged in the future.

Oh, that’s it, you’re worried that when the world doesn’t actually collapse from this huge infringement on your rights to be a bigot that the government might remove other exemptions!

If Commonwealth-funded faith-based aged care providers lose the right to positively select clients in accordance with the principles of their faith, will other faith-based organisations similarly lose their religious freedom? Will Christian schools, for example, continue to be able to hire staff who adhere to the values of the organisation?

What does positively select clients mean? This is a silly statement.  Nobody is telling old folks home that they can’t continue to select religious people for their homes, they’re saying more to the point that you can’t exclude someone just because you don’t like their martial status or their sexual orientation or gender identity.  And same thing for your religious schools, of course they can continue to hire nutters from the same faith.  The day is coming when those institutions won’t be allowed to discriminate against anyone.  Bring it on.

Mr ACL – your religious freedoms are not impinged by employing those who are different to your faith.  Unless you’re suggesting that in fact that notion that you hate the sin and not the sinner is actually incorrect.


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Wally Smiles Because he Can Sack the Poofs Tue, 15 Jan 2013 21:18:47 +0000 [SOURCE]

Jim ‘Wally’ Wallace over at the Australian Cunts Lobby is salivating because the Australia’s Atheist Prime Minister has given him a personal assurance that religions will be able to continue to discriminate on the basis of sexuality or other sexual activities.

Well brush my woolly nuts with steel wool.

It's consensual.  Don't panic

It’s consensual. Don’t panic

So the churches can sack a woman because she’s having sex before marriage.  They gay sack a gardener because he’s gay, they can sack an admin worker because she’s transgender.  In the eyes of a church if you sin, you’re out.

What is this?  19 fucking 50?

Fuck a duck.

What a gutless, pathetic, government we have that can’t distinguish between a basic human right and the needs of old men to keep up the perception of morality.

These matters are no longer ‘sinful’ or immoral in the great scheme of our world.  It’s not like stealing or murder.  Nobody is being hurt by these actions.

The churches have their collective heads buried up the arse of their crazy god and real people suffer.

The government should have the courage to enact anti-discrimination laws that actually do what the title suggests.  Prevents discrimination.




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Sexy T-Shirt Bought by the ACL’s Wendy Francis Tue, 11 Dec 2012 12:40:29 +0000 [SOURCE]

Oh no!  In Brisbane they are selling t-shirts for babies!  The ACL are beside themselves!  They must stop it at once!

Highly sexualised advertising and marketing has reached the stage where T-shirts such as this (pictured left) are sold in family shopping centres.  This range of T-shirts were being sold in the Logan Hyperdome, a large shopping centre in Logan just South of Brisbane.

This is your version of highly sexualised?  A t-shirt with sexy in red letters?

ACL’s Qld State Director, Wendy Francis, requested the shop keeper of ZINOS to remove them from sale but was told they were ‘meant to be funny’. These T-shirts are in size 0 – for babies.

Size 0 – so made for babies under 1 year old.  I can see how the child would feel sexualised with the word sexy emblazoned across their chest.

Wendy bought a T-shirt and took it to Centre Management, making an official complaint.

Seriously?  You bought one of the shirts?  I hope you get a refund, I’m sure it will be too small.  God must be so pleased.

She also stood outside of ZINOS for some time and asked other shoppers whether they believed it was an appropriate shirt for a baby – not one person believed it was.

For how long?  1 hour?  4?  How many people did she ask?  How many just walked past her as if she was mad?  How many just ignored her?

Later that day I survey 100 babies in prams, aged 0 – 1 year about the t-shirts.  100% of those surveyed said ‘goo’.  God must be so pleased she has so much time to spare.

Later that day she received the following correspondence from Centre Management confirming the shirts would be removed.

I would have to Centre Management to fuck off.

Good Afternoon Ms Francis,

Thank you for coming to see us this afternoon regarding the baby t-shirt that you found to be offensive. Feedback such as yours helps us provide a more pleasurable shopping experience at the Hyperdome. I have spoken with the owner of the business and he is removing it from sale today. I trust that you are happy with this immediate action. Once again thank you for your feedback, and we look forward to welcoming you back to Hyperdome.

Ho-hum, must be another christian.

Whilst glad for a good result in this instance, this is a miniscule win in the overall huge problem.

So a funny t-shirt must be taken off the shelf because some sexy grandmother doesn’t like the design?  How quaint.  (I don’t think she’s sexy, but she’s not doing her hair that way and wearing that jewellery to look un-sexy)

Childhood should be a time of innocence, learning and fun.

The shirts are size 0 – how much reading is the kid doing?  How much reading are the child’s peers doing?  And if they did see the word sexy what would it mean?

Children should not be pressured by inappropriate sexualised marketing and advertising.

An under one year old is being pressured by inappropriate marketing?  Things are really quiet now the gays have been told to shut up.

Dr Amanda Gordon, former President of the Australian Psychological Society says: “If the message is that you should be sexy and grown-up, instead of being a kid, then kids aren’t practising and learning how to be whole human beings that will actually make them into great adults.”

 You do know that lots of young people thrive to be sexy so that they can have sex.  You know, attract a partner to have some jiggy-jiggy with.  That’s how we learn to grow to be a whole human being.  Not by pretending that the word sexy is the end of the world and about to bring about the destruction of alpacas and christians the world over.
I’m too sexy for my skin.
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Smoking the Gay Dream – Wallace Knows the Facts Wed, 05 Sep 2012 23:31:40 +0000 [SOURCE]

Jim Wallace, head of the Australian Christian Lobby is yet again showing just how out of touch with reality he is.

Wally, that fine example of everything that’s fucked about christianity has opened his mouth again.  He made this grand statement during a debate:

I think we’re going to owe smokers a big apology when the homosexual community’s own statistics for its health – which it presents when it wants more money for health – are that is has higher rates of drug-taking, of suicide, it has the life of a male reduced by up to 20 years

The first error should be obvious to all, he starts the sentence with I think.  I think that if he thinks then his thinking is somewhat faulty.  The second error is that the notion that somehow people who are gay have a reduced lifespan.  This often used phrase is based on a report that is well over 30 years old, dubious to start with, and given at the start of the AIDS epidemic.

The life of smokers is reduced by something like seven to 10 years and yet we tell all our kids at school they shouldn’t smoke.

Well yes, those that smoke may die early from a horrible cancer.  In what is often a long and drawn out process the smoker goes through many treatments that attempt to rid the body of the self-inflicted disease, we all support them and tell that we hope they get better, eventually they fall into a coma that my be medically induced, and starve to death because we can’t bring ourselves to knock them off earlier.

Whereas they young gay person may cut their lifespan because they’ve heard that they have a ‘lifestyle’ that means they should forever live in shame.  They will hear worlds like Wally’s saying how wrong it is.  They will hear him say:

We have to accept the unfortunate levels of suicide, the unfortunate levels of excessive drug use (are) because of the nature of the lifestyle.  I am very sorry for that. My heart goes out to those people. But it is a fact.

Wally is really suggesting that we have to accept that gay kids will kill themselves.  It’s unfortunate he says, but gay people choose this lifestyle, therefore they deserve to die young.  Of course, he makes it sound like it’s tragic, he’s heart goes out to ‘those people’ but as he clearly knows, this is a fact.

We shouldn’t be surprised that he thinks it’s a fact.  He still thinks the whole bible thing is a pretty good idea and treats that like it’s fact.  In fact, despite his words to say otherwise, the real fact about why he thinks being gay is wrong, is because it says so in the bible, it also says that homosexuals should be put to death.  That’s a fact.

Just ask Wally.

Australian Marriage Equality demands an apology

Wally’s full address

Beyond Blue – Stop, Think, Respect

No to Homophobia

How can you tell when the ACL is lying? When their mouths are moving. Mon, 20 Aug 2012 08:29:51 +0000 [SOURCE]

I love it when somebody else writes a blog on something, saves me the time! Check this blog out from FLOURISH&BLOGGS.  Be sure to read it!

Pretty lame effort from Lyle Shelton today in The Punch on gay marriage. In all probability it’s better not to waste the two or three minutes that it would take to respond to every outright lie, but I’m really bothered by the shameless and repeated falsehoods and distortions this group comes out with on a routine basis.

Be sure to read the rest of it!
