cameron spink – Bruce Llama That's one crazy Llama Mon, 04 Jan 2016 02:22:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Sabbath, Flying and Texting made simple Wed, 01 Oct 2014 09:45:29 +0000 So just what is it that brings this Llama out of his semi-retirement holiday of “I’ve got better things to do”.

Is it me old mate Spinksy that thinks he’s clever.  No.

Is it everyone’s favourite Great Uncle Billy?  No.  Although I note he’s not been so busy with the gayz of late, what with all these muslims to worry about.  He’s been telling us for years!

It must be the ACL then, Lyle has finally got the right combination of prayer and money to force his will onto the rest of us?  Nope.

It’s the jews!

Well some of them.  The ultra-orthodox ones that have sparked me fur to stand on end like a million hard soldiers.

Two good stories that show just how stupid religion is becoming!

The first one about the silly men who refuse to sit next to women on aeroplanes, well anywhere at all really.  But in this case, on aeroplanes.

Ultra-orthodox-Jews-in-BrooklynWhen a bunch of ultra-orthodox men climb onto a plane they begin to harass women to move so that they don’t have to sit next to them.  Their religion doesn’t allow them too.  Strangely it does allow them to climb onto the plane and be flung through the air at great speed, but not to sit next to a woman.

Why?  I hear you ask.  I’m glad you did.  It seems that for some extraordinary reason any time an ultra-orthodox man so much as glances at a women he is tempted to have sex with her and if that wasn’t bad enough, the ultra-orthodox have no way of knowing if the woman is having her period.  So they think they can’t sit next to them least they might touch and he will need to have sex, or she might be unclean because she’s menstruating.

If it was my airline that was being held up because a bunch of passengers won’t sit in their allocated seats, I’d kick them off straight away.  You give it a try, get on a plane and refuse to take your seat so the plane can depart.  How long before you are ejected from the flight?  However, if you do it while wearing a possum felt hat, some frilly lace stuff, maybe some white stockings and a black coat you can get away with it.

Next up is the mobile phone app that will allow you to text on the sabbath.  Thank fucking god for that one!  I mean how silly of god not to know back at the dawn of time that one day all good little jewish boys would have a smart phone and want to send a text message on a Saturday arvo when the footy is on!  A complete lack of foresight by the almighty.  The dickhead.

Thankfully Man to the rescue!  Some nutter has devised an app that allows you to use the phone on the sabbath so that you’re not breaking the rule about working or some crap.  The app keeps the screen lit at all times, keeps the battery consumption at an even level and delays the time between pressing the keyboard and the letter being displayed.

God is so fucking stupid that he can be fooled into thinking the phone isn’t being used because the battery isn’t being drained, the screen doesn’t suddenly become bright and the keys aren’t making a noise when being pushed.

It’s better to have the app for the kiddies, because the thinking goes that if they are breaking one rule on the sabbath then they will think nothing of breaking other rules.

Before  you know it the boys will be touching girls and getting tempted to sin.  Worse yet, they might even sit next to one of them on an aeroplane and take a photo.

Well back to my little holiday.  You’ll find me booking 4 seats so I don’t have to sit next to any ultra-orthodox types with mobile phones.

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Exodus closes down makes christians void Sat, 22 Jun 2013 03:50:30 +0000 One of the big players in the ‘Pray the gay away’ society of homophobic bigots is closing its doors.

Exodus International, the oldest and largest Christian ministry dealing with faith and homosexuality announced tonight that it’s closing its doors after three-plus decades of ministry. The Board of Directors reached a decision after a year of dialogue and pray

It seems that they don’t think they can pray the gay away any more.  The president of Exodus made a full apology to all those that have suffered because of the programs of Exodus.

I am sorry for the pain and hurt that many of you have experienced.  I am sorry some of you spent years working through the shame and guilt when your attractions didn’t change. I am sorry we promoted sexual orientation change efforts and reparative theories about sexual orientation that stigmatized parents.

This is a significant change.  This is what shiny llama’s like myself have said for a long time.  Gay?  So what.  Don’t try and pretend to be straight it doesn’t work.

Of course, our regular contributors to the jesus camp of love by bigotry have been quick to say just how outrageous it is.

Me old mate Spinksy has this to say:

In the end perhaps it is a good thing that Exodus International has now closed. With people like Chambers and Whitten at the helm there was bound to be a lot more destruction on the way. As the final reason why Chambers made the decision he claimed that it was the culture’s changing attitudes to homosexuality that called for the organisation to finish up. Again Chambers shows a complete lack of biblical discernment and a disdain for truth in the face of opposition.

Hahaha, that’s so funny.  Spinksy is talking about a disdain for the truth?  He finishes with a wonderfully worded last sentence

We need to be prayerful that another organisation, and Scripture-compelled Christians, be ready to fill the rapidly distorted void that has been left by Exodus International.

He wants another organisation to fill the distorted void?  It’s nice that at last he sees just how distorted his void really is.  I’m not surprised, the amount of crap that comes out of his void would distort anything.  At least while he’s busy praying his not bothering other people.  He and his void should spend more time on all fours praying to the distortion.

And what of Uncle Billy?

Homosexuals will continue to find liberation and restoration by the mighty power of the risen Christ. Forget what the MSM and the militants are saying: Christ came to set the captives free, and he is in the business of turning lives around. He has been doing it for 2000 years now.

Seriously?  You lot have prayed for world peace for 2000 years, how’s that working out?  Can you point to just where your christ thing has set anyone free?  Which lives has he turned around?  How easy is it to simply ignore those that study the area of sexuality.

I know many of these people. They were once deep into the homosexual lifestyle, but by repentance, faith, and the grace of God, they have been made new creations in Christ. Their very existence puts lie to the claims of the activists that change is impossible.

Which people is it that you know Uncle Billy?  The very existence of people who say organisations like Exodus do not help and in fact cause great harm should show you that the claim that it works is a lie.  Get your head out of your own arse.  Perhaps that arse is the same distorted void that Spinksy seems to be in.

Change is indeed possible, and it happens all the time. God bless all the ex-homosexual ministries that have remained true to Christ, to God’s Word, and the power of the Holy Spirit to radically change lives. They are doing tremendous work, as countless former homosexuals can attest to.

Change is of course possible and it does happen all the time.  Whether or not some gay guys become straight is a moot point.  There’s actually nothing wrong with being gay.  There’s no basis for your claim dear Billy that there are countless former homosexuals.  It’s another of your rather odd assertions that you use to simply bolster your own arrogance that you alone know the truth.

Be sure to check out Bill Muehlenberg: Bullying and lying for Jesus blog for a very good read on Uncle Billy’s hatred of all things non-heterosexual.

Then there is the wonderfully deluded Sacerdotus.  He thinks that the catholics are always right. No matter what.

In any event, I applaud Chambers for apologizing and showing true concern for the LGBT people.  It takes a lot of humility to do this.  However, homosexual behavior is still sinful and dangerous for those who practice it.  We must find an effective pastoral way to work with homosexuals and help them live God’s will without them feeling any burden or stigma.

He has the audacity to talk about finding a way to ‘work with homosexuals’ so that they don’t feel any burden or stigma.  But before you think how wonderful that is the preceding sentence sinks his goodwill and shows just how harmful religious people are.  Telling me, telling gay people that we are sinful and that my sexuality is dangerous because I ‘practice’ it is to apply a stigma and a burden.

Exodus International is a delightful example of what should be happening to religious organisations that attempt to tell others how sinful they are.  A bit of self-reflection and honesty would show just how fraught and dangerous religious extremists are.   They have no interest in helping people, their only interest is in the preservation of their narrow view of the world based on their lies of there being a supernatural being.

Here’s a whole galaxy, so far removed from us that we will never get there. Do you know how much this galaxy cares where you put your willy?





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Spinksy Snorts at the Universe Tue, 05 Mar 2013 11:27:13 +0000 [SOURCE]

Somebody must’ve told me old mate Spinksy what a dip-shit he is to think the world was created because god farted.

Upon posting an article about a literal interpretation of Genesis I received several comments from friends and acquaintances that can be summed up like so:

“The creation story is not the important part of the Bible. What is important is the Gospel. Indeed the very arguing of a literal six days for creation can distract from the Gospel.”

I can’t help but feel deeply disturbed by these opinions. Firstly, I am concerned about the criticism I have received for even broaching on the topic of creation. Indeed in my previous article I did not treat a literal creation as a primary doctrinal issue, nor did I even say that we should be divided on the issue. What I said was that it was completely plausible for Christians to hold to a literal 6-day creation.

Oooo. He’s deeply disturbed because someone thinks creationism is silly.  The bit I find deeply disturbing is that he thinks a literal 6-day creation is plausible.  6 days to do all this?  You must be out of your mind!

milkywayLet’s just take a minute.  Think of how small a grain of sand is.  Now cut it in half, then cut it in half again and then once more.  Can you imagine that?  It’s pretty small.  You may even have trouble finding it. The world is really big when you’re a tiny bit of sand.  Look up at the sky, how far can you see?  Forever is the answer.  Everything up there that you can see beyond the atmosphere is bigger than you.  Even the distance between your eyes and where the blue stuff stops is bigger than you.  Like the grain of sand you’re small.  Keeping going out, beyond our solar system, all the way to the Milky Way and then keep going.  There are suns and planets out there that are huge.  So big that we don’t even know how to comprehend their size.  My mind can’t even get around the notion that these big stars are only small when compared to the total size of the universe.  Here we are, on a tiny speck of sand in the grand cosmos pretending that it’s only 6,000 years old.  There are people so small on this planet that they actually believe they are the most important thing in the universe.  They think that their god magiced the whole thing up in under a week.  It’s simply crazy to believe such dribble.

There is a vast difference between what is termed “old-earth creationism” and “theistic evolution”.

Well no, there’s not really any difference, both are fanciful stories that seek to force the universe into the words written by people over 3 thousand years ago.  They’re the same people who thought you could fit all the earth’s animals on a big boat for forty days.

While I have concern about the former I believe the latter cannot hold under the weight of the creation story intertwining with the Gospel. Consider this, God makes Adam and Eve approximately 6,000 years ago (this can be verified via genealogies).

I’m gonna stop you there Spinksy, how is it verified?  What independent sources did you use to verify the genealogies in the bible?  Well, you didn’t use any – because there are none.  Someone counted the generations in the bible going backwards and worked out the date.1

If macro evolution had occurred previous to this creation we have a God who prescribes the term “good” on a process that improves a species only by generations and generations dying. Furthermore, the very essence of the Gospel, that is the depravity of man, is undermined by the lack of a historical Adam (the most compelling understanding of history from an evolutionary perspective).

So because you don’t want god waiting 10 million years before saying “Good” all the science is wrong?  That makes sense.

Also, Jesus is constantly referenced as the last Adam. If macro evolution were to be true this would have catastrophic implications upon the Gospel. This is not a meaningless quibble, it affects (and distorts) the very nature of man.

Evolution is true and that alone should be enough for you to throw religious fairy tales away.  Claiming the earth is no more than 6,000 years old shows how far your head is stuck in the bucket.  If you hold still I can kick it till it falls off.

Certainly the implications of the age of the universe should not be overstated. One can land on either side of the debate and be doctrinally sound in other, more important, areas. Nor should our theological discussions be fixated upon this topic (to the detriment of countless other topics). Yet we must not understate the importance of a solid biblical understanding of the creation of the universe. It does have ramifications upon other areas of Scripture and undermining it can lead people away from being convicted by the Gospel. It is for this reason that, on occasion, I may discuss the creation narrative in my articles.

The implication is that it shows what a crock of shit the notion of the earth being 6,000 years old is.  Basically Spinksy is saying that you have to accept that the world is only young because if you don’t then there are other parts of the bible that must also be make believe.  If you believe in evolution then you probably don’t want to buy into the young earth creationism crap.  That’s a worry for the likes of Spinksy, it means less followers because they have been led way from being ‘convicted by the gospel’.

Bring it on baby.


  1.  A number of people have given it a go over the years, none of them give any regard to science but base their belief only on the bible.  LINK
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Spink Thinks Satan Plays Football Wed, 02 Jan 2013 01:12:29 +0000 [SOURCE]

Cameron Spink, born again christian, sole author of the Resistance Thinking website and a married man who protests way to much about gay people has been at it again, blogging about stuff that he really should keep quiet about least people seriously question his own sexuality.

The AFL has always attempted to be the more progressive of the football codes. It is like the hipster who tries so hard to be popular. So in a new attempt to show how progressive and inclusive they are on a social issue a “gay pride game” is being suggested. Sydney v Hawthorn (the two grand finalist’s from this year) is being touted as a “gay pride game”

This is a good thing.  It’ll help some young people come to terms with their sexuality and might even help some people understand that sexuality is diverse and be should be treated with respect.

One might be forgiven in thinking that the AFL is overcompensating for the fact that not one single player has ever “come out of the closet” and admitted to being a homosexual. Being that there are over six-hundred players in the AFL it is entirely possible that a few players are homosexual. Yet not one has put up their hand and outed themselves. If the AFL is so inclusive surely there should be somebody who’d be willing to tell the truth. After all, the other football codes have had players revealed to be homosexual of their own volition, why not the AFL?

That’s a good question.  Of course there are players who are gay.  Why don’t they declare this publicly?  Could it possibly be that the environment is not conducive to being gay.  It’d be great if the AFL made attempts to discuss that issue, much like they do with other forms of vilification.  The fact that not a single AFL player has declared their sexuality shows that the AFL needs to do more work.

It may be that there still is some animosity against homosexual players in the AFL. So despite the organizations attempts against “homophobia” they are failing to make an impact. Of course my hope is not that they succeed in such a venture but that they reassess their ignorant encouragement of something that they obviously have very little knowledge about.

Ignorant encouragement? Little knowledge about?  This coming from a christian who bases his life on a book written over 2,000 years ago about imaginary figures.  Spinksy thinks that it’s ok to hate gay people because that book says so.

Indeed, it is disturbing how the AFL is getting involved in a social issue (even more disturbing that they have got this issue so blatantly wrong) of which they have no right to have an opinion about. Furthermore they are propagating a destitute lifestyle through aggressive tolerance.

The AFL is in a strong position to be involved in social issues.  They have the opportunity to be great role models to young people.  To show acceptance and inclusion for people from all walks of life.  Of course they should have an opinion.

I’m pleased to report that my lifestyle is not destitute, far from it.  Aggressive tolerance?  Whatever that means.  What is important is that I’m able to move around the community, participate and enjoy life without fear.  There is nothing wrong with having sex with someone of the same-sex.  There really isn’t.  To say that it’s a destitute lifestyle is a clear indication of internalised homophobia that Spinksy should be seriously looking at with the assistance of some professionals.

There are a group of advocates behind these changes in the AFL (beyond Demetriou and his staff). One such person is Jason Ball, a player in the Yarra Glen Football Club, who has been campaigning for change. No surprises why he is one of the instigators of change. Ball is a homosexual who believes players at AFL level need more support if they are going to announce their same-sex attraction.

Ball has done a fantastic job by role modelling his own experience in coming out.  You know what?  His team mates at the Yarra Glen Football Club didn’t care, they did change the way they use vilifying terms about gay people as suddenly they had a bit of empathy.  They understood the impact of their words.

Apparently it is not enough that the AFL is openly hostile against anybody who questions their inclusive policies. I remember when doing a coaching course a couple of years ago there were sections outlined in the brochure that specified that coaches must remain impartial and make no comment regarding the sexuality of any player.

The AFL is not openly hostile at all.  They are insistent that players, coaches and administrators follow their policies, but they don’t simply toss out those that question.  They encourage them to change.  Not hostile at all.  It also makes sense to remain impartial.  It’s about playing football, and people should respect each other for their ability to play the game, not use race, sexuality or religion as a form of abuse.

It must be said that there are issues at club level regarding derogatory terms. The use of the word “gay” is abused. Yet since the “gay rights” movement has contorted and abused it already I feel no sympathy towards those who argue for the “homophobic” comments like “that’s so gay” to stop at club level. If they are offended by hearing these comments then I am offended by their very offence.

Spinksy has no issue with verbal abuse levelled at gay people.  A complete lack of empathy on his part.  In fact, he says that he’s offended because people object to vilification based on sexual orientation.  How very christian of him.

Yet for some this is not enough, they seek to for the full acceptance which would be established by AFL players being open about their sexuality. Much like the same-sex marriage debate it is not equality that is at stake for these people but acceptance.

Yes, acceptance.  The ability to take your same-sex partner to the Brownlow medal thingy, acceptance to hug and kiss your same-sex partner in public, and then acceptance for the supporters to bring their partners to games to enjoy each other by doing what couples do.  Kiss, hug and share the love.

I am convinced that a complete acceptance will be forthcoming in the AFL very soon. They went astray so long ago that their progressive-leaning has become obvious to all. If we are to look at Paul’s condemnatory comments in Romans 1 one can’t help but feel that the AFL are breeding supporters and administrators who are “approving”. We must not be complicit in the encouragement of sin.

Does this mean that Spinksy will be giving up football?  He’s a big footy fan you know. On his personal blog he posts lots of  football stuff.


We must pray without ceasing that God will shine through the lies of Satan and touch those enslaved by sin, as we once were.

Melbourne80sThat’s it.  Pray.  Pray the gays away.  It makes him feel better to pray and not do something practical  like take his support away.  Remove all AFL blogs, start a Facebook page to force the AFL to stop what they’re doing.  Why doesn’t he? Because he doesn’t want to give up football.

There are people within the AFL fraternity who believe that it is an imperative to quash all “homophobia” and “bigotry”.

It’s not limited to the AFL, people the world over want to stop homophobia and bigotry.  Spink shows exactly the sort of hatred that needs to stop.  He is suggesting that gay people are ‘enslaved by sin’ and that satan is responsible for that.  He is actually suggesting that satan is behind this push at the AFL to address homophobia in sport.  What’s his answer?  Pray.

The signs point to a more aggressive push to normalise homosexuality. We must speak clearly that we were designed as heterosexuals and this is a very powerful thing. Let none diminish its significance.

I’m not designed as a heterosexual.  I’m not designed as a homosexual either.  My sexuality is but a small part of me.  There is nothing wrong with encouraging people to be more accepting of others.  Sexuality has a big range of ‘normal’. What isn’t normal is pretending that somebody (or something) designed you.

I don’t care whether Spinksy thinks he’s designed.  He believe what he likes.  I do object to christians like him that pretend that they have all the answers, but more specifically I object to their attempts to force their beliefs on the rest of the world.  A world which simply doesn’t agree with their mindset.  Spink and his ilk attempt to control others by forcing their world view on us.  They do this by pretending that they alone have the truth.  No amount of common sense approach will work with them.  The radical fundamentalists think that being gay is the work of satan.  How bad is that?  From this work of satan, they then extend that to block any attempt to treat GLBTQI people as evil that must be saved.  When you tell them every so politely to fuck off they get offended and claim that their right to practice their religion is being infringed.

I don’t care who Spink has sex with, nor do I want to change that.  I don’t want him to marry a man.  I don’t care that he might have some internal dilemma about his god and his sexuality. What I do care about is the impact homophobia and bigotry has on me, my love llama, my friends, Jason Ball and every man at the AFL that may not be freely able to fully be part of the team. As role models, the AFL players can have an impact on young people, and if through their actions a Pride Match helps, then even the likes of me that hates football will get behind it.

Communicating with Spink is difficult.  He doesn’t allow comments on his blog, but you could shoot him an email at  Maybe you can leave a comment on his personal blog at  Let him know that you don’t care too much for his attitude.

The time for fairy tales has come to an end.  There is no god, there is no satan.  There are however people with a huge diversity.  They deserve respect.  We must speak clearly that we get one life and we need to share widely how powerful acceptance is.  Let none diminish another’s significance.

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Cameron Spink on Sex Fri, 21 Dec 2012 07:48:59 +0000 [SOURCE]

Spinksy, Spinksy, Spinksy, you really need to get out and live a little.

When Emma and I announced our engagement there were friends and family who responded in shock because we weren’t living together and presumably hadn’t slept together (these presumptions were correct). Hence some people raised with Emma their concerns about how ignorant we would be about our sexual compatibility (they never seem to raise these issues with me for some reason).

Poor Mrs Spinksy – she could have married a dud root.

I stumbled across an article today by sex therapist Matty Silver who outlined her thoughts on couples who have “mismatch[ing] libidos”. The idea that both parties should have equal “sex drive” is at the heart of this idea of sexual compatibility. Silver’s solution to unequal “sex drive” is good communication. And she is right, to an extent. However, her work with couples in regards to sexuality presupposes that love is merely “neurotransmitter phenylethylamine….. combined with dopamine and norepinephrine” to create “pleasingly positive feelings towards each other”  We must be aware of our preconceived notions of what love is. It is neither defined by science nor should it be relegated to gushy feelings. Both strip love of its power.

Preconceived ideas, yes, you should be aware of them.  How easy is Spinksy to throw out the science of love and the reality of how we feel love.  He must have a really good basis for doing so! Oh, and you don’t stumble across articles like this, you make a decision to click the link.  The article is from The Age and there is no stumble Spinksy, you used that free will you’re so fond of and clicked the link.   And just so we are clear, Matty Silver knows a thing or two – she’s done training at a university and everything.

Master of Health Science (Sexual Health)
The University of Sydney

Graduate Diploma of Health Science (Sexual Health)
The University of Sydney

Graduate Diploma of Counselling and Communications
Australian College of Applied Psychology (ACAP)

I guess Matty Silver has some good research to back up her article.  What’s Spinksy got?

In fact the Bible paints a completely different picture. Wives are to be “submissive” to their husbands (Ephesians 5:22) and husbands are to love their wives (Ephesians 5:25). These are doing concepts rather than feeling and don’t fit within romantic or scientific notions of being “in love”. If we then move the blowtorch to the idea of sexual compatibility it is clear that the worldly perspective falls a long way short of defining how relationships should be approached in reality. We must be active in doing love not merely hoping to feel love.

Oh, the bible.  Spinksy is basing his ideas of love on the bible?  This is the same bible that claims god so loved the world that he sent his only son to be killed for himself to pay for the wrongs of humanity caused by his own creation.  That sounds loving.

The reason, Spinksy me old mate, that the bible falls a long way short on the perspective of worldly love is because the authors of the bible had a very different understanding of the world, because the  University of Sydney was about 2000 years away.  As they say, we have moved on.

Not only is sexual compatibility a myth but sexual attraction is also a dead end.

I can only assume that Emma and Spinksy are not sexually compatible.  Whether you want to admit it or not, sexual attraction is the reason you got married, it’s the way it works.  Just because you didn’t have pre-martial sex doesn’t mean you aren’t sexually attracted to Emma.  In fact, without that sexual attraction, your relationship would never have started.

There are people who legitimately believe that it is important for couples to be sexually compatible. That sex must be dabbled in before the marriage night just to make sure that you are chaining yourself to the right person. We need to be rid of such immature thought-processes. A marriage commitment does not require sexual compatibility or fornication. In fact, possibly the worst thing you can do for your future marriage is to live together before you tie the knot.

Lions having sex outside marriage

Lions having sex outside marriage

Seriously Spinksy, there are a lot worse things to do in the world than live together and have sex before you get married.  Dabbling in sex is fun, you should try it. Spinksy simply avoids the obvious truth in the world, people have sex outside and inside marriage.  They always have.  I would suggest that it is not all the ‘fornicators’ who have the immature thought-processes.  Spinksy also avoids the issue that people like Matty Silver are successful because there’s a market for them.  There are many relationships that fail, and there are many that succeed.  I would bet that most of those that are success stories had sex a lot before they married.  What planet are you living on Spinksy?


We need to stop giving opinions like Silver’s any credence. The world suggests many lies and we are not filtering properly. Instead we continue to play church while believing that it is important to ascertain whether we are sexually compatible with our future spouse. News flash, sexual compatibility is the mouth wash of relationships. Its invention has derailed marriage which, despite the naysayers, is an institution that is very good.

Come on.  You can dismiss whoever you want.  But it’s not like Matty Silver is silly.  Perhaps there is something in her way of operating and it’s the likes of christians that need to have their opinions questioned thoroughly and then discarded like a used tissue after a private session.

Might I then present to you something radically different. Sex outside of marriage rather than helping you in your pursuit of sexual compatibility actually sets you up to fail in regards to commitment. We are being set up to fail. Our sexual desires, if we take our ques from society, will be unfulfilled. We will not get what we seek. And so, people throw their relationship under the bus if the other person in the relationship does not satisfy what cannot be satisfied. Perhaps it is worth turning the disappointment around and looking at our perceptions and how they may well be the part of the cause of the problem. Yet we cannot hope to drag our preconceived notions of sexuality out of the mire without the help of somebody uncorrupted by society. But there is no solutions available except the one who created sexuality in the first place.

FFS – I read and re-read.  That’s just such a load of twaddle crap dipstick duck shit.  You start by asking to present something radically different and then all you really do is rant about how bad things are.  I think, but I’m not sure, that your radical idea is getting the help of someone uncorrupted by society – probably your god.  That’s not radically different, that’s what we expect from religious nutters.  Your preconceived notions are derived from a book that was written so long ago and has never been updated.  You want us to accept sexuality as laid out in that thing?  You seriously think that we need a solution because there is no solution, and the only one available is in the bible?  You need to do a course on sexual health. I hear Sydney Uni has some on offer.

You see, you may believe that you can keep God away from your sex life, or indeed any part of life you may wish but it simply doesn’t work that way.

Yeah, it’s easy to keep him away, there is no god.  And it does work that way.

If we divorce our relationship from the intentional plans of God, from His created intent, we are cheapening, abusing and condemning the relationship.

So, if a plan is intentional it’d be nice to know what it was.  Expecting people to follow your plan when you don’t tell them what it is, is stupid.

We are using the other person, putting them on a pedestal, and when they fail (as they always do) we may call it quits or grow to resent them.

Well yes.  It’s actually ok, good and healthy to get out of a bad relationship.  You’re putting Emma up on the pedestal, I hope she’s secure.

Needless to say the introduction of sexual compatibility for the finding of a “soulmate” is a toxic concoction that has proved to be indigestible. We must throw off this charade, and encourage our friends to do so, if we want to live relationships that glorify God.

I’m not sure that the quest to find a ‘soulmate’ is such a bad thing.  It certainly isn’t toxic, and I don’t see any evidence to prove that it is indigestible, in fact it just feels like you’re making it up as you go along.

It’s you, Spinksy, mate, that need to throw off the charade.  Living in a relationship to glorify a being that doesn’t interact with you in anyway is crazy talk.  Really you should focus on your life with Emma and what makes her happy.  The love you have is to share with her, unhindered by outdated dogma and you should tap into the wealth of knowledge about relationships.  There is so much stuff out there that will make your relationship zing.

Clearly you need more zing, otherwise your zinger will drop off.

The Salt Shakers talk about Same sex couples in Victoria Sat, 15 Dec 2012 11:49:27 +0000 [SOURCE]

The Salt Shakers are a small band of really silly christians.  As far as anyone can tell the whole thing is run out of the lounge room of Peter and Jenny Stokes.  They proudly talk about the Resistance To Thinking website that is their baby, that one is run by me old mate Cameron Spink.  Spinksy runs the whole thing.  Stokes and Spinksy like to pretend that they are really big and important movers and shakers.  I love reading their stuff, it’s always worth a chortle.  Today the Salty Stokers are upset that so few gay people have taken up the right to register their relationships in Victoria.  They have statistics and everything to support their story.

It’s four years since Victoria’s ‘Relationships Register’ commenced operation…

Not only four years, but also a change of government, and unlike the Queensland experience no changes to the laws have been made.

The 2011 census found that there are around 33,714 same-sex couples in Australia.

The majority of those live in NSW (12,731) and Victoria (8,722), with most living in the capital cities.

The 2011 census gave same-sex couples the opportunity to define their relationships. The vast majority – 96% – classified their relationship as ‘de facto partner’. Some reported their relationship as ‘husband’ or ‘wife – but this only applied to 1,338 couples.

With all the talk of relationships and marriage, few same-sex couples have chosen to formalise their relationship even when states have formal legislation that allows them to do so.

So?  The super mining tax also raised no tax.  What’s your point?

In Victoria, the Relationships Register began four years ago – on December 1, 2008. But only 572 same-sex couples have actually registered their relationship in those four years.

That’s just 6.5% of the homosexual couples in Victoria (using the census data).

So?  It wouldn’t matter whether it was 1 couple or all couples, the point is that 572 couples were able to do so.  Those couples consider it important to do.  Good for them.

The homosexual media claim that the low figure for ‘relationships registers’ is because same-sex couples want to be able to ‘marry’ so are flying overseas to do so.

That’s not strictly true – the ‘homosexual media’ printed a statement from Australian Marriage Equality.  A spokesman from AME made a comment.  Like it or not when couples go overseas they do so to marry, not ‘marry’.  It’s real.  They get a certificate and everything!  The quote marks around the word marry are sort of saying. “Like they go overseas to get like, quote married, unquote and like its not like its like marriage or sumfink”

They state that 1,338 couples have done this – a figure taken from the 2011 census. However, this is still a very small proportion of the total 33,714 same-sex couples. The census question allowed people to self-report as to whether their ‘partner’ was a ‘husband’ or wife’ – and these could have occurred over a number of years.

Even if half of these ‘married’ couples were from Victoria, that only makes a total of 1241 couples (669 + 572) who have legally formalised their relationship. Overall, that would mean that only 14.2% of all same-sex couples had taken either of these steps to formalise their relationship. This is still a very small proportion!

And?  What does it matter the size of the proportion?  Are you suggesting that it’s a waste of time?

Perhaps more concerning is the fact that heterosexual couples are choosing to register their relationship rather than getting married. In the past four years, 900 heterosexual couples have registered under the Victorian Relationships Register.

So?  People should be allowed to have their relationships recognised as they see fit.  A straight couple can make a choice between registration or marriage.  I can’t.  That’s wrong.

Thankfully, this is still only a small percentage of those who are getting married – in Victoria 27,503 couples married in 2011. In the past four years there have been 111,038 marriages.

Who cares whether people get married, it’s none of your business.  People get married because they love each other, not because some whacked out christian needs to be thankful.

So 900 heterosexual couples registering their relationship is only 0.8% of all couples who have legally formalised their relationship!

It’s so nice when people do math.  I wonder if he had a calculator.

However, we need to remember that, in Scandinavian countries, the introduction of Registered Partnerships (from 1989 onward) – for homosexual and heterosexual couples – eventually led to a decline in the number of heterosexual couples getting married.

This trend of ‘registering’ heterosexual relationships really does lead to the undermining of marriage.

ringsNo it doesn’t.  You can’t know the intention of the heterosexual couples registering instead of marrying.  Perhaps they never wanted to get married.  There’s no evidence to suggest that just because couples don’t marry that marriage is somehow undermined, how the hell do you undermine marriage anyway?  People are not being told not to get married.

These different schemes are designed to meet the expectations of a changing world.  Not everybody sees marriage as the only way to be in a relationship.  For some people it’s a hangover from earlier times when a woman was considered nothing more than property.  For some it has too many religious overtones, some people just don’t see the point and then some do.  Big deal.  Everyone should have a relationship recognised the way that best suits them.

We need to do all we can to promote the benefits of marriage between a man and a woman – the commitment it entails, the benefit it provides for the nurturing and protection of children and the fulfilling of God’s design for humanity as laid out in Genesis 1 and 2.

We need to do all we can to promote the benefits of healthy relationships between couples – the commitment it entails, the benefits of being in a healthy relationship help the nurturing and protection of children. Nobody really believes that a god has any design for humanity.  If you treat Genesis as anything other than a myth then you need to do a check on your version of reality.


The ACL and Christians Endorse Discrimination Sat, 15 Dec 2012 02:18:32 +0000 I wrote just the other day about Billy and how upset he is with the Government for trying to make Australia a better place by removing discrimination.

Billy used these words:

Of real concern are the addition of two new categories, sexual orientation and gender identity

Oh no, it’s a real concern!  That sounds drastic, but wait, along comes that other bastion of hatred towards teh gays, the Australian Christian Lobby, and look at their words:

Drastically expands the number of attributes that will be protected to include things like gender identity and sexual orientation;

Isn’t it funny.  Two new categories is just, well two.  The ACL can’t help themselves but call those two things a drastic expansion.  It sounds like there’s hundreds and hundreds of attributes being added.  I can see the veins in Jimbo’s head throbbing.

Then there’s me old mate Spinksy, he’s got a few of his own words that express his outrage

 Of course this will be used by pro-homosexual groups who (among others) will use this as a new way to target Christian groups and individuals who they claim to be “offended” by.

Certainly this proposed legislation cannot operate in such a way that would allow me to seek to charge anyone with a grievance against me yet it demonstrates a lopsidedness to this potential addition to discrimination law.

Goodness, who would have thought that the gays would use laws to target those that seek to vilify, discriminate and harass them.

Then there’s that pretend political party the Australian Christians:

Among other problems, the Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Bill 2012 would greatly increase the number of attributes (eg gender identity) on which discrimination is forbidden;

gaysHow funny, the notion that legislation to make it illegal to discriminate against sexual orientation and gender identity sends them into a tiz.  The fundamentalists just don’t like the idea that their outrageous and dangerous ideas might be made illegal.

Their outrage is along the lines of “How dare the government try to tell us that we can’t call gays nasty names and keep them out of jobs and nursing homes.  How dare they!  Don’t they know that they’re poofters!  Poofters are evil – we need to protect the world against poofters!  If we don’t the poofters will turn us all into poofters!”






Cameron Spinks says 238 Million People are Insignificant. Fri, 26 Oct 2012 23:44:17 +0000 [SOURCE]

How easy it is to see a christian getting their knickers in a twist over some really simple stuff.  In this case me old mate Spinksy can’t help but call the bluff of the homosexual lobby and then dance around with his own self-importance.  He must very very special indeed.

A recent Gallup poll was undertaken that revealed that 3.4% of adults in the United States identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. This finding is significant in its massive scale. 121,290 people answered the question “Do you, personally, identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender?” and only 3.4% of them answered in the affirmative.

Well, the research I’ve seen over many years makes that about right.  I thought it was about 2%, some people say it’s about 10%.  It’s never really clear and it really depends on how you ask the question.  For example, if the question was ‘have you had a sexual experience with a member of the same sex?’  You’d see a higher number.  If you’ve had a bit of a fiddle with your best mate, does that make you gay?  No, probably not. Bisexual?  Maybe, but probably not.  Is it an issue?  Only if you’re a repressed male christian who thinks your wobbly bits should only be inserted into another person who has signed a marriage certificate with you.

This sees a significant nail in the coffin of those wishing to pander the line that 10% of the population are homosexual. Instead it must be conceded that the figures suggest a much lower proportion of the population are actually homosexual. If this new Gallup poll stands under scrutiny then the percentage of homosexuals will be below 3.4% of the population (as the poll included bisexual and transgender as well).

Ho hum.  Does it matter that the minority is smaller?  Does that change any of the human rights concerns for homosexual people.  Does it make it ok to continue to belittle and persecute people because there are less of them than Spinksy thought?  If 13% of the world population has daily hunger and we can feed 10 % of that, does that mean we can then ignore the remaining 3%?  (13% of the world population is 925 million people.  The world’s population is about 7 billion).  Why does Spinksy get all upset about this when it’s only 3.4% of the population? He calls that insignificant and not compelling, yet continues to demonise gay people despite his impression that they’re insignificant.  That just shows how easy it is to pick on a minority simply because in his eyes they aren’t significant.

There is actually nothing compelling, one way or the other, about the percentage of the population who are homosexual. A sin still remains a sin no matter how many are participating in it. Yet quoting higher percentages in this case is a slight of the hand trick attempting to normalise such behaviours. If more people are doing it then it must be more acceptable to do.

The sin is only a sin in the mind of people who think that it’s a sin.   Doing the sin, in this case homosexuality,  is only acceptable to those doing it.  Spinksy can do his poofter bashing as much as he likes (as in his snide personal remarks, I’m sure his god stops him from doing actual physical harm), he can suppress anything he sees as a sin, but it’s not for the likes of him or any other religious fuckwits to dictate how others lead their lives.  And while the percentage might not be compelling, if we extrapolate the 3.4% across the world population we find that is 238 million people.  I don’t care what religious hogwash you’re flaying around in Spinksy, 238 million people is compelling.

While there is no real significance in the number of people who are homosexual it is worth blowing the elaborately fashioned smoke screen away. The Christian position on marriage (or anything else) should not change regardless of what the numbers tell us.

No real significance?  How easily he victimises those 238 million people and wipes away their human rights.  He seeks to impose the “christian position on marriage’ to all the population, regardless of personal belief.

This is surely the height of arrogance from any other person on the planet who sees themselves as an authority on how to deal with other humans.

Spinksy yet again demonstrates that his website is aptly named Resistance Thinking. He just needs to insert a ‘to’ between Resistance and Thinking.

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Stupid abortion sculpture Fri, 20 Jul 2012 09:11:58 +0000 [SOURCE]

A great and compelling picture is making the rounds at the moment.

This photo doesn’t any more introduction than the information that is posted down the bottom.

Make sure you view in full screen.

I love me old mate Spinksy.

Here’s the image:

Ho hum.

So, the ‘meaning’ is the woman feels remorse and has her head buried in her hands in repentance.  The young child, a girl, transparent, is touching her hand on what we assume is her mothers head as an act of forgiveness.

It would seem that the mother regrets the abortion of the foetus that is now represent not by a lump of dead cells but a clothed girl, about 8 years old.

Of course, if the child had turned into the next Queen Mary1 many of the English would cheer her abortion.  If the child where to grow up and demand the death of all men with facial hair we would cheer her abortion and the mother kneeling here would in fact be rejoicing.

Pretending that abortion is a bad thing because you deprive the child of the chance of life is simply silly.  You may also be saving the world from something evil.  You maybe saving the child from a horrible life of pain and illness.

Tugging on the heart-strings is the christian method.  As with all their make-believe crap it’s all based on what might be instead of what is.

Spinksy and his christian resistance to thinking crowd really shouldn’t do the ‘what if’.  What if he’d never been born?

  1.  Queen of England, killed plenty of people SOURCE
Preston is no anti-abortion hero Sun, 06 May 2012 14:04:53 +0000 [SOURCE]

So, a Brisbane man, Graham Preston, has been jailed for not paying his fines worth $8,000.  He was fined for trespassing and resisting arrest.  He places himself between women trying to enter a clinic and intimidates and stops them from entering.

The women are heading into the clinic for an abortion.  This christian puts himself between the woman and the clinic.  For the last ten years he has been fined.  He’s refused to pay.  He’s been asked over 100 times to pay the bill, but has refused.

Christian fuck-wits now think this serial pest is a hero.  Me old mate Spinksys says this “Jailed for Being Pro-life

Pro-lifer Graham Preston is facing 8 months in jail for peacefully protesting outside of abortion clinics. He is a strong reminder of the possible repercussions that can be faced for standing against immorality

No, he wasn’t peaceful at all.  He was trespassing and making a nuisance of himself.  He was yelling in the faces of women trying to go about their personal business.

Billy the Mule has a bit to say too:

He is back at it again, willing to lose his freedoms on the behalf of the unborn. Graham is now back in prison for another eight months. His crime? Seeking to prevent those who would continue the genocide of the unborn. Just as earlier brave culture warriors – usually Christians – fought the evil slave trade, so too today some heroic believers are putting their life on the line for the unborn.

Actually, if Preston was interested in doing his bit, he would pay the fine so that he could continue to protest.  Now he’s locked up.  And his crime was that he didn’t pay the fines, not for preventing ‘genocide of the unborn’.  This is nothing like fighting the slave trade, and he is not putting his life on the line for anyone.  He broke the law, he refused to pay the fine and has been locked up.  It’s really simple.

Meanwhile, Wally over at the ACL says this

Brisbane father Graham Preston has been jailed for eight months for peacefully protesting in front of the doors of Brisbane abortion clinics and refusing to move.

No, he was fined for trespass.  He was fined for getting in the way.  He was jailed because he didn’t pay those fines, he was not jailed for peacefully protesting.

Christians just love to overlook the obvious.  Call him a hero because they really need a hero.

The reality is the ‘protest’ is a vigil that sees someone sitting on the stairs blocking people trying to gain access to the building.  People visiting the clinic have to step over the protesters.  They sit there with their little signs that say “Abortion kills children” and think that they’re doing gods work.

Those women visiting are confronted by people who think they know better.  I don’t know what it’s like to decide to have an abortion, but I think people making that decision have already done a lot of thinking.  This emotional protest is pretty grotesque and designed to make the woman feel guilt and cause deep emotional distress.

Preston is a fool, he should have paid the fines and ceased his obstruction.  Instead he is now costing us more money and christians nutters reckon this is a good thing.

The values of christians is pretty fucked up.  They want everyone to play by their rules alone.  When the police or the state step in to remove them, they scream about being the victims and not having the freedom to protest.




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