child abuse – Bruce Llama That's one crazy Llama Mon, 04 Jan 2016 02:22:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Michalik is an Arsehole Wed, 09 Oct 2013 09:52:23 +0000


The attitudes of the hierarchy in the catholic church won’t change any time soon – you can have as many pope Franks as you like, they’re still a bunch of arseholes.

THE top cleric in Poland’s Roman Catholic church has said parents share the blame for certain cases of pedophilia, including those involving Catholic priests.

Share the blame for kiddie fucking?  This top cleric who probably likes to be addressed as “Your Grace”  wants to share the blame?  Pardon me while I feel sick and lick the shit from my fur.

“Many of these cases of (sexual) molestation could be avoided given a healthy relationship between parents,” Archbishop Jozef Michalik, head of Poland’s Episcopate told the Polish PAP news agency in Warsaw.

All of these cases could be avoided if priests knew how to behave.  Why would you try to shift the blame to relationships between parents?  In typical fashion, rather than look at his own guilt in any of this, yet another bishops seeks to blame the victim.

“We often hear that this inappropriate attitude (pedophilia), or abuse, manifests itself when a child is looking for love,” Archbishop Michalik said.

Who describes raping kids as inappropriate attitude?  I can only think something was lost in the translation.  Linking the child looking for love is akin to saying that the child was a willing participant.  I wouldn’t at all be surprised if he said something along the lines of “she was begging for it” when dealing with rape.

“It (the child) clings, it searches. It gets lost itself and then draws another person into this”, Archbishop Michalik said.

So now it’s the child’s fault for drawing in another person.  The child, if you remember, is the one that is raped by a grown man.  This graceless catholic nitwit is actually suggesting that a child attracts a child abuser.  Clearly the child is to blame as it’s lost.  Forget that the priest is out there hunting for his next victim and takes advantage of a child.  Uses his position of authority to abuse his victim and then uses that same authority to threaten the child into silence.

“How many wounds are their in children’s hearts, in children’s lives, when their parents go their separate ways,” he told the PAP.

“Today nobody talks about divorce doing great harm to a child. It’s obvious that sex abuse does great harm, one can’t forget about it, but it’s not the only thing” causing harm, he added.

bishopinhatSure, divorce is not nice for a child who is needing security and love of her parents, but to try to divert the blame to parents and the child instead of focussing on the real perpetrators of crime is reprehensible.

The people to blame for sexual abuse is the abuser.  Those that were aware of the abuse and do nothing, you know, cover it up or move the abuser are to blame.  Those who are apologist for the abusers are to blame.  The last person who has any fault at all is the child.

Grow some balls bishop, take some responsibility for your part in the whole messy affair.

You are an arsehole.


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Uncle Billy Shows us Why Religion is Evil Sun, 31 Mar 2013 00:39:47 +0000 [SOURCE]

In an age of oppressive political correctness and a militant social engineering crusade, it seems homosexuals can do no wrong. They have become the new untouchables who are forever above fault, and must be treated as sacrosanct. And if any charge is levelled against them, it of course must be untrue, and simply the fruit of homophobia.

Really?  Uncle Billy is saying that gay people can do no wrong, and that they get away with it?  Wow.  Everyone should turn gay!

Such is the stranglehold the pink mafia and its supporters in the media and elsewhere have, that no one dares to say anything critical about this movement – even if it happens to be true. Any claim brought against them will be considered to be “hate speech” and harshly dealt with.

Heck, so the media won’t report the truth about what’s happening if the criminals are gay.  Incredible.  What would we do without Uncle Billy to point this stuff out to us?

The bullying and intimidation from the homosexual militants has been so intense that most people are terrified to say anything remotely negative about them. And if real wrongs are being committed by them, the powers that be will likely not believe such charges.

Amazing, people won’t report because they’re terrified!

We have a perfect illustration of all this coming out of the UK just recently. A boy was being abused by his homosexual “parents” but no one believed him, simply because they were homosexual. The whole ugly story is worth recording, so I offer it here:

Hold on… it seems that the story has got out!  How did the ‘pink mafia’ let such ‘hate speech’ get into the media?  What went wrong with the bullying and intimidation from the homosexual militants?

You can read the report here.  It is really disturbing and tragic.  It’s a situation that should never have arisen.  I’d like to focus more on Uncle Billy’s words.

Wow, what a tragic story. But the real tragedy is, this is likely not an isolated incident. So fearful are most folks today of saying anything which might be seen as negative or critical about the homosexual lifestyle, that they will allow horrific scenarios like this to go unchecked or unreported.

No, that’s not right.  These are isolated incidents.  It has nothing to do with the fearful folk.  To suggest that professionals will let horrific scenarios go unchecked or unreported is just wrong and you know it.  Sure, someone fucked up here, but it can’t escape your view Uncle Billy that this incident is not unreported or unchecked.

The ugly face of PC censorship and homosexual intimidation has resulted in the mass of citizens in the West almost as afraid to say anything as they are in North Korea. We are allowing terrible abuses and injustices to take place because of fear of being politically incorrect and offending the homosexual lobby. This ought not to be my friends.

There’s no mention of intimidation in this report.  It went wrong when a social worker failed to do his job:

A social worker failed to report the allegations to a family court and instead called Cannon ‘a very caring parent who considered his children’s needs’.

To suggest from this that somehow people are as frightened as they might be in North Korea is just plain and simply wrong and an exaggeration   If that was the case, this story would never have seen the light of day.

You will notice that the story has been reported in the main stream media, a report has been written and tabled to the County Court, people have been jailed and the homosexual lobby (whatever the fuck that is) are not on the street protesting or calling for special considerations.  It would be fair to say that the media has not somehow hidden the truth.

Yes they certainly have become sacrosanct untouchables who can do no wrong. And they certainly do not give a rip about truth or empirical evidence. A friend just told me of how he was debating a homosexual who demanded evidence and references. My friend spent two hours providing just that, only to be told by his opponent that he was not interested in “cold, hard facts”!

So, Uncle Billy goes out of his way to show us all how untouchable the gay lobby is, how the media is doing its bit by hiding the truth about the ‘homosexual lifestyle’ and how people  are too scared to expose the truth.  He talks about truth and evidence, and even when an article about a gay couple who abused their child hits the main stream media he blinds his own bigotry and hatred of gay people by claiming the exact opposite.  A mistake was made, and yes, perhaps because of the sexuality of the parent, I don’t know.  The error has been exposed, the parents jailed and the man abused compensated.

When you are a politically protected species, you do not need truth or facts. You just go ahead and do whatever you want, because you are untouchable. That is exactly how a sadistic dictator like Kim Jong-Un goes about his business. We expect such tyrannical behaviour in places like North Korea, but not here in the supposed free West.

flippingthebirdIt would seem that even when the truth is slapping you in the face like a wet fish in a Monty Python sketch you can still ignore it and only see what you want.  If you want to see a protected species you only have to look at Uncle Billy’s brand of christianity.  He is very comfortable to make things up, skew a story to meet his own needs and then spew forth vile and reprehensible accusations about gay people, and get away with it.  He’s contention is that all gay people are paedophiles  the gays are out to take over the world and force christians like him to shut the fuck up.  He’s claiming that the militant homosexual lobby is the same as the North Korean government and uses the same tactics to subdue the population.  He again ignores the reality of gay life in Australia.  Still unable to get married, religion still has the right to belittle us and treat us as second class citizens and people like Muehlenberg still get to use his rights to free speech to write this crap.

Bill Muehlenberg again shows us how the narrow-minded bigot truly operates in a space that is devoid of reality.

He is the best example we have as to why religion is evil.


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The Pope Blames the Gays for Everything! Sun, 16 Dec 2012 02:32:18 +0000 [SOURCE]


That great mind of the 12th century, Pope Bendydick, has taken the chance on World Day of Peace to further vilify and harass gay people.

There is also a need to acknowledge and promote the natural structure of marriage as the union of a man and a woman in the face of attempts to make it juridically equivalent to radically different types of union

There is  nothing natural about marriage, it’s a artificial system.  Get your head out of your arse.

Such attempts actually harm and help to destabilize marriage, obscuring its specific nature and its indispensable role in society.

That’s just stupid.  Marriage isn’t going away, people still get married, still raise children (regardless of marital status) and still contribute in society.  Allowing gay people to get married won’t change that at all.

These principles are not truths of faith, nor are they simply a corollary of the right to religious freedom.

They’re not principles, they’re doctrine.  They have nothing to do with reality.  You are basing these truths of yours on a myth and a fairy tale.

They are inscribed in human nature itself, accessible to reason and thus common to all humanity.

You talk about reason?  And here you are worshipping a jewish boy you think was born of a virgin, you think he’s still alive after 2,000 years and you regularly eat his body and drink his blood and you want to talk about reason?  Pardon me while I barf.

The Church’s efforts to promote them are not therefore confessional in character, but addressed to all people, whatever their religious affiliation.

All people who aren’t catholic, and I suspect a lot of people who are catholic, think you’re a silly old fart out of touch with reality that probably really does think he is god’s representative on earth.  Catholic’s and you as their head, have no claim or right to inflict your pathetic religion onto the rest of the world.

Efforts of this kind are all the more necessary the more these principles are denied or misunderstood, since this constitutes an offence against the truth of the human person, with serious harm to justice and peace

What would you know about the truth of the human person?  You that presides over an organisation that allows children to be abused, people to die of HIV/AIDS, women to die because abortion is frowned upon, homophobic politicians wanting to kill gay people are blessed .

You have the audacity to talk about harming justice and peace.

Your view of the world is perverted and twisted.

The pope is a cunt.


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Francis, Wally, the Catholics and the UN Fri, 20 Jul 2012 12:22:35 +0000 [SOURCE]

The State of Queensland has slipped back into the dark ages with their government doing all it can to retract any laws that favour anyone who isn’t straight.

And the Australian Cuntian Lobby love it.

In her latest newsletter, Wendy Francis is so excited about their achievements!  I can feel her bosom wobbling from here, no wait, that’s an earthquake.

Another cause for celebration was the announcement from the Attorney General that Queensland’s altruistic surrogacy laws would be amended. Since 2009, the Australian Christian Lobby and other family groups have been lobbying for repeal of aspects of the Surrogacy Act which allows single or same-sex couples to obtain a baby using surrogacy, knowing in advance that they are depriving that child of either a mother or a father. The International Convention on the Rights of the Child states that “the child shall, wherever possible, grow up in the care and under the responsibility of his parents … a child of tender years shall not, save in exceptional circumstances, be separated from his mother”. That deprivation of a child’s birthright is the central offence of surrogacy for singles or same-sex couples. Under current Queensland law the birth certificate for such a baby is altered so that only the names of the single adult or the same-sex couple are recorded as “parent(s)”. We continue to monitor this debate closely and look forward to this wrong being righted.

She’s sort of edited that bit, and it’s actually from the Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1959), it says this in Principal Six:

The child, for the full and harmonious development of his personality, needs love and understanding. He shall, wherever possible, grow up in the care and under the responsibility of his parents, and, in any case, in an atmosphere of affection and of moral and material security; a child of tender years shall not, save in exceptional circumstances, be separated from his mother. Society and the public authorities shall have the duty to extend particular care to children without a family and to those without adequate means of support. Payment of State and other assistance towards the maintenance of children of large families is desirable.

She replaced “and, in any case, in an atmosphere of affection and of moral and material security;” with “…”  Rather changes the meaning when you put back “and, in any case”

If we have a look at the International Convention of the Rights of the Child, (1990) under Article 21 regarding adoption it says:

Ensure that the adoption of a child is authorized only by competent authorities who determine, in accordance with applicable law and procedures and on the basis of all pertinent and reliable information, that the adoption is permissible in view of the child’s status concerning parents, relatives and legal guardians and that, if required, the persons concerned have given their informed consent to the adoption on the basis of such counselling as may be necessary;

The person concerned have given their informed consent, the adoption is authorised by competent authorities.  That sounds really really clear to me.

If we go back to Article 2:

States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that the child is protected against all forms of discrimination or punishment on the basis of the status, activities, expressed opinions, or beliefs of the child’s parents, legal guardians, or family members.

No discrimination on the basis of the status of the child’s parents, legal guardians or family members.

Like the bible, Wendy is great at picking the bits she likes and ignores the rest.  Here’s another example, the Convention says in Article 34:

States Parties undertake to protect the child from all forms of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse. For these purposes, States Parties shall in particular take all appropriate national, bilateral and
multilateral measures to prevent:
(a) The inducement or coercion of a child to engage in any unlawful sexual activity;
(b) The exploitative use of children in prostitution or other unlawful sexual practices;
(c) The exploitative use of children in pornographic performances and materials.

A search of the ACL website for media releases regarding catholic child sex abuse yields a great big fat 0.

You will however find this delightful media release in which our mate Wally says:

News that two men in New South Wales have become the first couple in the state to be declared the parents of a baby born through surrogacy is a gross abuse of the rights of the child, according to the Australian Christian Lobby.

You know what a gross abuse is?  It’s certainly is not two men having a baby and loving it to the best of their ability.  No, a gross abuse is of a child’s human rights when they are sexually abuse and exploited by the catholic church.  The ACL is only concerned that law-abiding citizens are deprived of children and children deprived of a loving family.  While doing nothing to raise the issue of child sex abuse in the catholic church.  They don’t even call for an enquiry or to even condemn it outright.

They dare to pick out the bits of the UN conventions that suit their grubby little lobby while ignoring the larger picture.  No call from the lobby for a Royal Commission into child sex abuse.  Nothing.

If I didn’t know better I’d think that the ACL was keen on keeping all the kiddies inside their church as fodder for the wicked priest.  But surely that’s not the case and any day now the ACL will issue a major finding in how the rights of the child must be considered when selecting a church to attend to ensure that Article 34 of the UN Convention is fully met.


Confession is good for the soul Wed, 18 Jul 2012 05:58:52 +0000 [SOURCE]

The concept of confession, or reconciliation as the catholics like to call it nowadays, is that you sit in front of a priest, say some magic words, tell him everything you’ve done wrong and then he says some magic words and hey presto, magic happens and you walk out feeling relieved that all your transgressions have been forgiven by the priest, who is just passing it on from god.  In the mind of the priest and the sinner you have been reconciled with god.  Some men might get a little chubby over that.

Then you get up and leave and say some more magic words along the lines of a Hail Mary or ten or an Our Father and you’ve got a clean slate ready to start all over again.

The priest has always kept all that stuff to themselves.  I’m sure when they all gather around their baptismal fonts swapping little catholic sinner jokes that they tell tales of the confessional and have a damn good laugh.

As we well know, the church has been accused of covering up child sex abuse.  They shove priests from parish to parish in the vague notion that perhaps nobody will notice.

This has led to several enquiries in different places, and now here in Australia.

After the 4 Corners program revealed the cover up by the catholics here in Australia that contributed to the suicides of some men we now have an enquiry.  I don’t think it’ll achieve much.

There’s been a suggestion to the Victorian Parliamentary enquiry that priest should come under mandatory reporting and make a report for all suspected cases of child abuse.

Their response?

But Jesuit and human rights lawyer Father Frank Brennan says priests can never reveal secrets of the confessional, and he would rather go to jail than violate the trust of those who come to confession.

Never?  You can’t be serious.  Of course a priest can reveal those secrets.

“I’d have to say as a priest if I was told something strictly under the seal of the confessional, I would not reveal it, but I would readily concede if it were not under the strict seal of the confessional, then the same rule should apply to me as to any other citizen,” he said.

Having been there, in a dark box, back in the old days, confessing my sins, I understand how important it is to hear the magic words of forgiveness.  If you’re feeling guilty, getting that forgiveness means a lot. The good thing about it is that you don’t ever have to address the person you may have wronged, and you know the priest will never out you.

So, you get the all important forgiveness and the incident gets wiped off your soul, so you can get into heaven.

And fuck anyone you may have hurt.

Purple apparently is the colour of repentance

In the case of a serious crime, such as child abuse, the priest gets to hide behind his purple stole and keep the information to himself, the perpetrator gets forgiveness and doesn’t have to answer to anyone else.  Essentially gets off scot free.  The child that is abused suffers, greatly.

That to me sounds piss weak and highly offensive to any child that has ever been raped by a priest that then went to confession.  And you know damn well that has happened.

This is not the dark ages any more.  Such arrogance by the catholic church should be treated with contempt.  There should be no exemptions for the mandatory reporting of child abuse.  Not only should the priest be charged with hindering police, but the church should be fined for their total disregard for common decency.

The ultimate cover up by a priest.



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Does the Jewish Community cover up sex scandals? Wed, 07 Sep 2011 12:28:54 +0000 There exists in the Melbourne Jewish Community plenty of organisations, but lets face it, it’s a pretty small community1.

The arrest and charging of one David Samuel Cyprys, 43, a security guard at Melbourne’s Jewish boy school, Yeshivah College, is no doubt sending shock waves through the small community.  I’ve blogged about it already today.

The Jewish organisation, the Anti-Defamation Commission has been quick to point the finger at the media, and say that they haven’t covered anything up at all.  The ADC, according to their facebook page:

 fights antisemitism and racism and promotes respect and justice.

For the Jewish population of Melbourne, I believe this is an important aspect to ensure that antisemitism is challenged wherever it occurs.

The ADC on their website say this:

ADC has acted to defend the Jewish community over implications that it covered up sexual abuse. Media coverage of the trial of David Cyprys on indecent assault charges has unfairly implicated the entire Jewish community after a court was told sections of the community had protected the alleged sex offender.

The article that I quoted from The Age said this:

PROMINENT members of the Melbourne Jewish community lied to the police, covered up an alleged sex scandal and protected a man accused of repeatedly molesting children from a school in St Kilda East, a court has been told.

But, just quickly, keeping in mind the size of the Melbourne Jewish Community, lets look at this.  The chairman of the ADC is Anton Block, who was also a previous president of the JCCV.  The president of the JCCV is John Searle, who is a previous chairman of the ADC.

The ADC, according to this blog from Mikeybear, is an arm of the JCCV.  There also exists a community group called the CSG, the Community Security Group, that is controlled by the JCCV.

The CSG is voluntary, the webpage says:

The Community Security Group (CSG) is a team of skilled and dedicated volunteers who are carefully selected and appropriately trained.

My understanding is that Cyprys was involved in many ways within the community.  He was a security guard, on the board at the Elwood Talmud Torah Congregation and taught karate.

While the ADC is quick to distance itself, they seem to be suggesting it’s the media that’s got it wrong.  In fact, it seems to me that the media has reported information presented in court by the Police.

There’s some other questions here that should be asked and answered by these interconnected organistations that come under the stewardship of John Searle, who recently has been appointed to the role of  chairperson of the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission2.  In the interest of not covering things up, let’s understand how far entrenched Cyprys was in this community.  Did he have any involvement with the CSG?  Did he collaborate with the JCCV?  What other relationships did he have with members of the Executive of the JCCV?  And where does his unnamed partner fit in?

With Searle going into such a high profile position, surely these questions need answers.  The last thing VEOHRC needs is the scandal of a cover up.

Finally, without fully understanding how someone who has a known history of indecent assault managed to get involved in so much community action, why not hold the whole of the jewish community as responsible.  Surely someone from the school or one of the other organisations knew and should have shared this information.

In The Age in July this year:

In 2000, Mr Waks said, he was horrified to see Mr Cyprys was still providing security for Yeshivah Centre.

Come on, how can this happen?  Here’s someone asking the question and yet Cyprys continues for another 11 years.  It’s really appalling and needs a full and proper investigation with the Melbourne Jewish community.

  1. The Anti-defamation Commission website list it as 45,000
  2. Interesting the Victorian Liberal Party posts the media release on their site
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Child Abuse Scandal in the Melbourne Jewish Community Covered Up Wed, 07 Sep 2011 01:55:32 +0000 [SOURCE]

It goes to show that religious people are more inclined to be concerned with their own reputation than the safety of the children entrusted to them.  In a previous blog I covered the way that some in the Melbourne Jewish community have attempted to keep all this hush hush.

From 1984 to 1991 this low life allegedly used his position to gain access to children and abuse them.  It’s a story we see again and again in all walks of life, from the scouts to the catholics to schools and now, like a great big pelican dropping, the Jewish community.

And what do you think the community does?  You’d hope that they would ring the police, but alas, the ”high-standing members of the Jewish community” did nothing.

”They failed to act in any way to protect children and the matter has been swept under the carpet,” Senior Constable Metcher told Melbourne Magistrates Court.

Why would that be?  Why, years and years after the events, after all that has gone before in other religious based schools and institutions, would you continue to employ a person with such a history?

Asked on what she based this, Senior Constable Metcher said: ”Based on the lies told to police and information that has been twisted and covered up.”

And when the truth starts to bubble to the surface this so-called community lies, twists and covers it up?  How disgusting.

Is the well-being of the children of so little importance to the ‘high-standing members of the Jewish community’ that the reputation of a school should prevent them from taking proper action to deal with these things.

In the previous blog I quote the head of the JCCV:

“If there is sexual abuse, victims must be encouraged to make reports and must not be made to feel that they’re going to be ostracised or punished in any way whatsoever,” Mr Searle said.

That’s right, he wants the victims to be encouraged to make reports.  Of course, what he should also have been doing is making sure that those with the knowledge, those in positions of authority, should have been fully co-operative with the investigation.

Everyone that covered this up should be held accountable, the high-standing should hang their heads in shame and resign.  Their names should be spread across the community as collaborators to the alleged offender and they should no longer enjoy the trust of their community.  They are now in the league of low-lifes too.

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Jews do it too! Wed, 20 Jul 2011 23:25:21 +0000 [SOURCE]

There are reports of sexual abuse and cover ups happening in Melbourne’s jewish community.  And just like other religious organistations there’s a scramble to denounce and distance your synagogue from the perpetrators.  Good thing too.

But then there’s still the apologists who try to cover up and minimise the dreadful impact that abuse has on the victims, they try to minimise the shame that may be brought upon them.

The worshippers believe Rabbi Telsner, the spiritual head of Yeshivah, was questioning the right of individuals to ventilate their concerns. One worshipper felt “outraged and threatened” when the rabbi asked the congregation “who gave you permission to talk?” Rabbi Telsner declined to clarify his remarks yesterday.

The good rabbit doesn’t want people to talk about the issue?  If you belong to this shul then you should be demanding a full investigation, you should be demanding that everyone who hid this abuser, or who knew of his record, should be thrown out of the synagogue in disgust.  There is no excuse for shielding those that commit offences against harmless children.

Then there’s the president of that community organisation called the JCCV

“If there is sexual abuse, victims must be encouraged to make reports and must not be made to feel that they’re going to be ostracised or punished in any way whatsoever,” Mr Searle said.

What a dumb arsed attitude.  Perhaps what he meant to say is “We will support all victims to tell their stories, we’ll help you navigate your way through this with love and support”.  Instead we get this attitude of making the victims do the action, with a sort of semi threat that if they tell the story they may well be ostracised or punished, because he says that they must not be made to feel, which means the reality is that they will be ostracised and punished, just not outwardly.

Tim Minchin really needs to do a song for the jews.

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Pope Says Sorry to Ireland Mon, 22 Mar 2010 03:45:25 +0000 [SOURCE]

There has been a lot of abuse going on in Ireland.  The priest of the catholic church have been abusing children, and the bishops of the priest have been covering it up.

On Sunday, Pope Bendydick issues a letter to apologise for the behaviour of the church in Ireland (not anywhere else, just the Irish church).  That was very noble of him.  The apology is about 20 pages long and worth a read1, just for the pure rhetoric of it all.

In my travels around Google, it’s pretty hard to find any media giving it a positive spin.  Here’s my take on a couple of the topics raised.

The pope is very keen to make it known how very upset he is personally, although he, or perhaps more correctly, the vatican is not taking any responsibility for this.  He again and again talks about the church in Ireland.  He talks about the perpetrators having to acknowledge their sins ‘before the Lord’.  Hey Bendydick, how about the bishop come clean and acknowledge their crime before a court.

Bendydick also says:

He (jesus) understands the depths of your pain and its enduring effect upon your lives and your relationships, including your relationship with the Church.

This would be the same bastard god that let his priests do this in the first place?  This bastard god understands the ‘depths’ of your pain but did nothing to prevent it, not only did the bastard god let the innocent children get harmed in the first place, he then went on and allowed the bishops to cover it up, he didn’t let the exposure happen straight away.  Why is that do you think?  That’s easy, there is no bastard god and the bishops were just looking after their own power base.

Bendydick finish off with a plan, what he calls ‘some concrete initiatives’.  I’ll dot point them:

  • Lent be set aside as a time to pray for an outpouring of god’s mercy
  • Invite the faithful to devote their Friday penances for 1 year to this intention
  • Offer up your fasting, your prayer, your reading of Scripture, your works of mercy in order to obtain grace of healing and renewal
  • Discover anew the sacrament of reconciliation
  • Do eucharistic adoration – in fact, every place of worship should have a place for you to worship the eucharist.

Through intense prayer before the real presence of the Lord, you can make reparation for the sins of abuse that have  done so much harm, at the same time imploring the grace of renewed strength and a deeper sense of mission on the part of all bishops, priests, religious and lay faithful.

jesus in a stick

Jesus in a stick of gold

In other words, Benndydick wants you to take on the sins of the bishops and priest, you must beg for forgiveness from your bastard god for the nasty work of arseholes, oh and he’s going to visit to make sure everything is ok.  He wants you to do ‘intense prayer before the real presence of the lord’, that means he wants you on your knees praying to a little white wafer surround by a gold sun, that’s what the real presence of the lord is.

There’s no mention in his plan of doing anything to help the victims, anything vaguely useful that is, there is no mention of ensuring that the priests are brought to justice or that the bishops are held to account.

No, just pray.

How fucking useless is that.

  1. The 20 page letter Click Here
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