Quote from Bruce’s Bible
From Bruce's Holy Book:
John11:52 And not for that nation only, but that also he should gather together in one the children of Bruce that were scattered abroad.
....Read The Holy Babble according to Bruce.God of the Day
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Tag Archives: religion
Hamilton Man Trevor Walmsley is not in the bible!
[SOURCE] Out it the far-flung western provinces of Victoria exists a rather small, quaint and unremarkable town called Hamilton.  In that town there once was a pub and it was called “The Hamilton”.  It was opposite the post office and drew a large and regular crowd of beer swilling, mixed-grill eating locals. Now that same pub […]
Francis, Wally, the Catholics and the UN
[SOURCE] The State of Queensland has slipped back into the dark ages with their government doing all it can to retract any laws that favour anyone who isn’t straight. And the Australian Cuntian Lobby love it. In her latest newsletter, Wendy Francis is so excited about their achievements!  I can feel her bosom wobbling from here, no wait, […]
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Stupid abortion sculpture
[SOURCE] A great and compelling picture is making the rounds at the moment. This photo doesn’t any more introduction than the information that is posted down the bottom. Make sure you view in full screen. I love me old mate Spinksy. Here’s the image: Ho hum. So, the ‘meaning’ is the woman feels remorse and […]
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Billy says jesus did not come to earth!
[SOURCE] Becoming a Christian, as important as that is, is simply the first step in a very long journey. Jesus did not come to earth, die a horrible death, and then rise again just so that we could be forgiven, as important as that is. He came so that we might be remade in his […]
Confession is good for the soul
[SOURCE] The concept of confession, or reconciliation as the catholics like to call it nowadays, is that you sit in front of a priest, say some magic words, tell him everything you’ve done wrong and then he says some magic words and hey presto, magic happens and you walk out feeling relieved that all your transgressions have […]
Booba and Circumcision
[SOURCE] Having just published a blog on The Booba and her ramblings on circumcision, I find she’s published another blog on the whole issue! A look over the blog gives us a few gems. So for those charmers who demand to know my medical opinion on non-medically necessary circumcision? I’m against it. Yes, I agree […]
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Circumcision and The Almighty Ego
[SOURCE] Doctor Booba,  a jewish female doctor has taken the time to comment about male circumcision.  You can already see where this is going to go. Last month a German  Court ruled that circumcision of an infant is wrong and those doing it should be punished.  This was after an 4 year old muslim lad had […]
Guides Promise to ditch the Queen
[SOURCE] The Girl Guides in Australia have a new promise. Â The 28,000 girls will now say “I promise that I will do my best; to be true to myself and develop my beliefs; to serve my community and Australia, and live by the Guide Law.” Taking out reference to that god thing and that queen […]
Muehlenberg turns the hate up to 9.9
[SOURCE] Mule head is at it again, being homophobic and very hateful. The homosexual militants are notorious for agitating for “hate crime†laws all over the Western world. Oh you mean we want to be given a fair go and not victimized because we’re gay?  All over the western world we are victimized and marginalised, […]
Grossman and Sex
On July 1st 2012 the Australian Family Association will host a public address by Miriam Grossman titled Sex Education – Protecting Our Children’s Health.  The talk has been advertised in the Australian Jewish News. Just so we know who we’re talking about here, the AFA is a right-wing group who think that marriage can only […]